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160.解冤说戒拜忏 Freeing a ghost, explaining the precepts, and bowing in repentance
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Freeing a ghost, explaining the precepts, and
bowing in repentance

Each day, as the disgruntled ghost came, the girl's manner and behavior would drastically and abruptly change. Not only was her family disturbed, but the neighbors were affected as well. At that time, the two monks Su Ch'in and Su Chih were sent by Chi Tsu Mountain to Teng Ch'uan County on monastery business. As they passed Ting's house, they noticed a crowd of people observing the malign appearance. One of the monks said to her, "I urge you to curtail this disturbance of the peace."

The ghost said, "Why don't you monks mind your own business?"

The monk answered, "This may not be my concern, but my teacher often says that enmity should be ended, not perpetuated, because the longer it is continued, the deeper it becomes. When will it end?"

The ghost reflected a moment, and then asked, "Who is your teacher?"

"The Venerable Abbot Hsu Yun of Chu Sheng (Celebration of Sageliness) Monastery."

The ghost said, "1 wish to take refuge with him and receive the precepts."

The gatha says:
They escorted the ghost back to Chi Tsu Mountain.
Where the Venerable Yun explained the Precept Platform.
From this, the bonds of enmity were sundered.
In Teng Chuan County, repentance ceremonies were held.

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