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165.救溺女度二姓 Saving a drowning girl and rescuing two families
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Saving a drowning girl and rescuing two families

In 1921, the Master's eighty-second year, Ku P'in Chen was the governor of Yunnan Province. During that year a flood, a drought, and a diphtheria epidemic followed in close succession, and all progress was slowed considerably. One day, when the Master was resting under a tree on his way back from the city, he found and opened a package. It contained gold and jade bracelets, a watch as well as eight thousand Yunnan dollars, and over ten thousand dollars in French francs among other things. Closing the package, he waited for the owner to come and claim it. But since it was late, he decided to return the next day. Upon reaching the lake, the Master saved a girl who had cast herself into the water. The girl later revealed that her name was Chu, and that she had married an army commander named Sun. Because she had been mistreated, she had fled with her valuables and belongings. The Master converted the families of both the husband and wife, transmitting to them both the Refuges and Precepts.

The gatha says:
Having lost her money, she wanted to commit suicide.
But luckily encountered a live Bodhisattva
Who pulled her out of the sea of suffering.
Then Sun and Chu together offered flowers.

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上一篇:166.拾遗金赈灾黎 Contributing gold to aid those stricken by disaster
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