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175.虽乱世犹海单 Despite the unrest, still receiving visitors by sea
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Despite the unrest, still receiving visitors by sea

In 1933, the Master was ninety-four. The Japanese Army occupied Shan Hai Kuan and caused great trepidation among the people. Soldiers were reckless and unruly. Unrest was widespread. In Fukien, the Nineteenth Army started an uprising. All the other temples and monasteries in the province stopped receiving visitors. However, because the Master was Abbot, Ku (Drum) Mountain continued to receive monks coming by sea. Wandering bhikshus from the ten directions gathered in large numbers at Drum Mountain. Supplying adequate food for all as difficult, since there might be as many as fifteen or sixteen hundred, and rationing permitted just one bowl of gruel and one bowl of rice per day per person.

The gatha says:
Personally bearing the Buddha's teaching, he carried it on into the future,
While bodies of the Sangha members were subject to hunger and thirst.
Times of trouble and difficulty are a certainty,
So wandering through this changing world is the best place to cultivate.

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