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186.黑龙怪归正法 Allowing a black dragon spirit to turn to the Proper Dharma
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Allowing a black dragon spirit to turn to the Proper Dharma

It was 1944, the Master's one-hundred-and-fifth year, and Dr. Hsieh Shuang Hu of Chiang Hsi arrived with the newly ordained Bhikshuni Yen Hui to seek the precepts. One day, while they were circumambulating the Buddhas, a vaporous mist appeared for a moment around Yen Hui. After the transmission of the three sets of precepts, she knelt before the Master and said that a black dragon spirit had been possessing her. But now, because she had received the precepts, the dragon could not get in, and it now sought the precepts for those of the underworld. It promised to change its evil ways and to turn toward the proper. The dragon had borrowed her body and drew a picture of a black dragon with the body of a person and a dragon's head. Then the Master let Yen Hui hold up the dragon's portrait while he bestowed the precepts on the dragon's behalf.

The gatha says:
The jet-black dragon was a spirit which possessed the virgin girl.
Although she had gone forth from home, it still possessed her as before.
At Nan Hua Temple, she received the precepts and prayed to the Sage in residence.
Both she and the dragon received the precepts, and then the dragon left her body.

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