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192.无畏精神挽教难 Rescuing the teaching with fearless vigor
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Rescuing the teaching with fearless vigor

The Master was one-hundred-and-ten in 1949, and following the annual Spring Precept Period, he returned to Yun Men (Cloud Gate) Monastery, where he had crafted a full set of more than eighty sacred images. Later, he went to Hong Kong to expound Sutras, and one day met Ts'en Hsueh Lu29, who asked, "Where can I go to attain peace in this ever-changing world?" The Master answered, "For a student of the Way, wherever he goes is his home. Letting go of everything is just the Bodhimanda. Don't worry about it so much." Ts'en insisted the Master stay in Hong Kong to propagate the Dharma, but he said, "There are already people here who can do so. My responsibility lies in holding together the several tens of thousands of bhikshus on the Mainland."

The gatha says:
To hold together and protect the Teaching, he saved the Sangha members.
Vowing to repay the Buddha's kindness, he would go through scaldings and fire.
With fearlessness and unfledging vigor, his samadhi was energetic.
The practice of his magnanimous vows extends through thousands of kalpas.

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