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199.代全国接受三宝 Accepting three gifts on behalf of the nation
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Accepting three gifts on behalf of the nation

Along with Dharma Master Yuan Ying and others, the Master formed the Chinese Buddhist Association at Kuang Chi (Extensive Aid) Monastery. The Master was nominated for the office of President, but he declined because of old age and ill health and assumed the title of Honorary President. The following resolutions were proposed to the government: 1) In all places, further destruction of monasteries and temples, the desecration of images, and the burning of sutras shall immediately cease; 2) the intimidation of bhikshus and bhikshunis to force their return to lay life will not be tolerated; and 3) all monastery property shall be returned forthwith, and there should be returned to the Sangha enough arable acreage to make the monasteries self-supporting. The petition was approved. The Master then represented the Association in receiving three gifts from a Buddhist delegation from Sri Lanka.

The gatha says:
The Buddha's sharira,
A sutra written on a palm leaf,
The jeweled tree of the path of Bodhi:
Our teacher personally received.

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上一篇:200.世界和平大法会 Hosting a Great Dharma Assembly for world peace
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