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知法之前 Ideas Not Thought of Before
{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

Ideas Not Thought of Before


“What do you think, Mālukyaputta? There are certain mind objects that you have never thought of before, which you do not think of now, and do not hope to think of in the future. Could such object arouse desire, lust, or affection in you?”


As before Mālukyaputta answered this question in the negative, and the Buddha instructed him how to practise insight meditation. For a summary of what the Buddha taught him, please refer to page 9.


{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

上一篇:在知时未能观照法 Failure to Meditate on Mind Objects While Knowing
下一篇:拒绝正确的方法 Negation of the Correct Method
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