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手做拳头 拳头做手 The Hand Makes a Fist;The Fist Makes a Hand
{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

The Hand Makes a Fist;
The Fist Makes a Hand

手做拳头 拳头做手

On their way out they passed by Lu Mountain where they met the Great Master Zhiyuan (Huiyuan), who promoted the practice of reciting the Buddha's name. He himself recited the Buddha's name all the time. Well, they went to pay their respects to Great Master Yuan. Venerable Yuan said to them, "What Dharma do you two monks from India transmit that causes people to pay you so little respect?"


Fo Tuo and Ye She both extended their hands. They probably knew very little Chinese. Extending their hands, they said,"The hand makes a fist, and the fist makes a hand. Isn't that fast?"


Master Yuan replied, "Very fast!"


"Bodhi and affliction," they said, "are just that fast!"


At that moment, Great Master Yuan became enlightened and said, "Ah! Bodhi and affliction basically are not different! Bodhi is affliction and affliction is Bodhi." Having gained such an understanding, Great Master Yuan made abundant offerings to Fo Tuo and Ye She. Shortly thereafter, the two died on the same day, in the same place. Their graves may still be seen at Lu Mountain.


Back in India, when Patriarch Bodhidharma learned that his two disciples had been scorned and had both died, he thought, "I will go there myself to have a look." Thereupon he went to China.


Patriarch Bodhidharma saw that the roots of the Great Vehicle Buddhadharma were ripe in China and knew that he should take the Great Vehicle Dharma there. Fearing neither the distance nor the hardship of travel, he took the Dharma there. What do you suppose it was like when he arrived in China?

于是就到中国来。 达摩祖师也是看中国的大乘根性成熟了,应该把大乘佛教带到中国,所以就不怕路程遥远及旅途的辛苦,来到中国。你说到了中国怎么了呢?

{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

上一篇:初到广州 人见畏之 Arriving First at Guangzhou, He Is Feared by All Who See Him
下一篇:徒弟先来 处处碰壁 When the Disciples First Came,They Met with Difficulty
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