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说有功德 实无功德 Actually He Had No Merit and Virtue At All
{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

Actually He Had
No Merit and Virtue At All

说有功德 实无功德

Patriarch Bodhidharma listened to Emperor Wu of Liang praising himself as if drunk on his own ego, introducing himself, boasting of his merit and virtue, advertising for himself, calling attention to his own good points, and generally lauding himself. Most people, upon hearing the Emperor's comments, would have said, "Ah! Of course you have merit and virtue! You have tremendous merit and virtue! Your merit and virtue is out of this world!" That would be most people's response. Now I ask you, would a sage ever say things just to flatter someone? But Bodhidharma was a patriarch. How could he possibly flatter and fawn? And so he replied, "Actually you have no merit and virtue. In truth, no merit and virtue at all."


Patriarch Bodhidharma originally had gone there with the idea of saving Emperor Wu of Liang. However, Emperor Wu was too conceited; he had too high an opinion of himself. Being an emperor was already something, he thought. He had built many temples, enabled many people to leave home, given away a lot of money, and made a lot of offerings to the Triple Jewel. So, he thought he had created a tremendous amount of merit and virtue. Patriarch Bodhidharma, wanting to shatter the Emperor's attachment, said that he had no merit and virtue at all.


{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

上一篇:当面错过 不识祖师 Meeting Face-to-Face, He Misses His Chance,Failing to Recognize the Patriarch
下一篇:梁王武帝 炫示功德 Emperor Wu of Liang Boasts of His Own Merit and Virtue
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