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守孝圆满 护法显圣 At the End of His Filial Mourning,a Dharma Protector Presented a Sage
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At the End of His Filial Mourning,
a Dharma Protector Presented a Sage

守孝圆满 护法显圣

When his last three years of mourning were almost over, he had a false thought,

"Mount Qian (Thousand) and Mount Guangning (Expansive Tranquility) are two famous mountains in Manchuria. In those two mountains, many thousand-year-old Bhikshus are cultivating. After I complete this mourning period, I also will go there to cultivate the Way."


Two days after he had that false thought, while he was sitting in meditation he heard a Dharma Protector say to him, "Today a nobleman will come to visit you." When he heard that a nobleman was coming, he assumed it would be a high official of some kind. He just waited.


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上一篇:明朝和尚 民国来访 A Monk from the Ming Dynasty Came to Visit during the Republic
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 印祖故事 28、狄氏流通辨异录,大师撰写决疑论[栏目:常惭愧僧印光法师的故事]



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