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The Teachings Of Great Master Yin Guang
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The Teachings Of Great Master Yin Guang
Whether one is a layperson or has left the home-life, one should respect elders and be harmonious to those sur-rounding him. One should endure what others cannot, and practice what others can-not achieve. One should take others' diffi-culties unto oneself and help them succeed in their undertakings. While sitting quietly, one should often reflect upon one's own faults, and when chatting with friends, one should not discuss the rights and wrongs of others. In every action one makes, whether dressing or eating, from dawn to dusk and dusk 'till dawn, one should not cease to recite the Buddha's  name.  Aside from Buddha reci-tation, whether reciting quietly or silently, one should not give rise to other improper thoughts.  If  wandering thoughts appear, one should immediately dismiss them.  Constantly maintain a humble and repentful heart;  even if one has upheld true cultivation, one should still feel one's practice is shallow and never boast. One should mind one's own business and not the business of others. Only look after the good examples of others instead of bad ones. One should see oneself as mundane and everyone else as Bodhisattvas.  If one can cultivate according to these teachings,  one is sure to reach the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. 

Homage to Amitabha!  Amitabha!

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