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Three Distinct Characteristics of Nibbána
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Three Distinct Characteristics of Nibbána

Contrasting Nibbána with Samsara, the Buddha says that the former is eternal - Dhuva, desirable - Subha and happy - Sukha.

According to Buddhism everything cosmic, and hypercosmic is classed under two divisions - namely, things conditioned by causes - Sankhata and things not conditioned by any cause-Asankhata.

Nibbána is not conditioned by any cause, Hence there is neither an arising nor a passing away. It is birth less, decay less, and deathless. It is neither a cause nor an effect. All conditioned things - and to this category belongs everything in this universe - are, on the contrary, constantly changing without remaining for two consecutive moments the same.

Everything that has sprung from a cause must inevitably pass away, and as such is undesirable-Asubha.

That which is transient and undesirable certainly cannot be happy - Sukha. Nibbána, being non-conditioned, that which has not arisen from a cause, is, in contradistinction to phenomenal existence, eternal, desirable, and happy.

The happiness of Nibbána should be differentiated from ordinary happiness. Nibbanic bliss arises as the result of calming down passions - Vupasama, unlike the worldly happiness, which results from the gratification of some desire - Vedayita.

In conventional terms the Buddha says-Nibbanam paramam sukham - Nibbána is the highest bliss.

It is bliss supreme because it is not a kind of happiness that is experienced by the senses. It is a positive blissful state of relief.

The very fact of the cessation of suffering is ordinarily termed happiness, which too is not an appropriate word to depict its real nature.

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