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No Ajahn Chah《154》
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《154》阿姜 查有一位弟子的膝盖有问题,只能透过外科手术来矫正。虽然医生保证他的膝盖几个星期就能痊癒,但是,几个月过后,却仍然没有完全痊癒。当他再次见到阿姜 查时,他对阿姜 查抱怨说:「他们说不需要这麼久的,所以不应该如此才对呀!」阿姜 查於是笑著说:「如果不应该如此的话,就不会如此啊!」

One of Ajahn Chah’s disciples had a knee problem that could only be corrected by surgery. Although the doctors assured him that his knee would be well in a couple of weeks, months went by and it still hadn’t healed properly. When he saw Ajahn Chah again, he complained saying, "They said it wouldn’t take this long. It shouldn’t be this way." Ajahn Chah laughed and said, "If it shouldn’t be this way, it wouldn’t be this way."

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