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The person who was honest and kind.
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The person who was honest and kind.

{返回 Good Questions, Good Answers on Buddhism 文集}

上一篇:Because such a person obviously has a good heart.
下一篇:But I still think that a Buddhist should be vegetarian.
 But what about lying? Is it possibl..
 Then why do people sometimes practi..
 What, according to Buddhism, is com..
 How does the mind go from one body ..
 How is that possible?
 But how does wanting and craving le..
 Should Buddhists try to share the D..
 The Third Precept says we should av..
 I suppose you think your religion i..
 What are the Three Refuges?
全文 标题
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 维摩诘所说经白话解 菩萨品第四 第二十章 维摩诘对善德说法施[栏目:维摩诘所说经白话解]
 No Ajahn Chah《116》[栏目:何来阿姜查 No Ajahn Chah]
 43 故 乡[栏目:智海浪花·历程]



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