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But what about lying? Is it possible to live without telling lies?
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But what about lying? Is it possible to live without telling lies?
If it is really impossible to get by in society or business without lying, such a shocking and corrupt state of affairs should be changed. The Buddhist is someone who resolves to do something practical about the problem by trying to be more truthful and honest.

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全文 标题
 摄大乘论 第58讲[栏目:韩镜清教授]
 学佛问答 第四卷[栏目:学佛问答·净空法师解答]
 阿弥陀经疏钞演义 第十四集[栏目:阿弥陀经疏钞讲记·净空法师]
 八十四大成就者传 三十九、咕噜巴哇希传[栏目:八十四大成就者]
 大乘起信论讲记 第十一卷[栏目:净界法师]



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