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随他去 Let Others Be
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Let Others Be


Do not find fault with others. If they behave wrongly, there is no need to make yourself suffer. If you point out to them what is correct and they do not practice accordingly, leave it at that.

  不要挑剔别人的过失,如果他们做错了,也没有必要自寻苦恼。如果你给他们指出什 是对的,而他们并没有依你说的去做,那就随他去。

When the Buddha studied with various teachers, he realized that their ways were lacking, but he did not disparage them. Studying with humility and respect, he benefited from his relationship with them, yet he realized that their systems were not complete. Still, as he had not yet become enlightened, he did not criticize or attempt to teach them. After he found enlightenment, he respectfully remembered those he had studied with and wanted to share his newfound knowledge with them.


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