The "Deeper Meaning" of a Chant
Each morning, the monks enter the eating hall after their alms round. Seated in two long rows with the last food distributed, they raise their hands in a palms-together gesture of respect while reciting the meal-time chants, ancient Pali blessings that date back to the time of the Buddha. Lay devotees who have come to offer food and participate in the meal sit by silently as the monks chant. Following this, in mindful stillness the monks begin their meal.
A Western visitor, new to the monastery and its traditions, asked Achaan Chah at the close of the recitation why the monks were chanting: "Is there some deep meaning to this ritual?" Achaan Chah smiled, "Yes, of course. It is important indeed for hungry monks to chant like “this before the only meal of the day. The Pali recitation means thank you," he said, "thank you very much."
一位西方的访客,对於寺院及其传统很生疏,所以便在唱诵结束後问阿姜查,僧人为何要课诵:“这种仪式是否有它深层的涵义?”阿姜 查笑著说:“是的,当然有。说真的,对於饥渴的僧侣而言,在每日唯一的一餐前这样地唱诵是非常重要的。在巴利文的唱诵里的意思是谢谢。”他於是说:“十分感谢你们。”