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依靠自己 Rely on Oneself
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Rely on Oneself


Sitting cross-legged on a hard stone temple floor is natural to villagers who have grown up in a culture without furniture. But to one newly arrived Western novice, gawky and inflexible, it was a hard way to begin the daily hours of meditation and chanting. Thus it was with some relief the novice discovered that by arriving early to meditation, he could sit next to the stone pillars at the front of the hall and, once. All the monks had closed their eyes to practice, he could gently lean on the pillar and meditate in Western-style comfort.


After a week of this practice, Achaan Chah rang the bell to end the sitting and start the evening Dharma talk. "Tonight," he began, looking directly at the new monk, "we will talk about how practicing the Dharma means to support oneself, to rely on oneself, to not have to lean on things outside of oneself." The other monks in the hall tittered. The Westerner, a bit embarrassed, sat up unusually straight for the rest of the lecture. From that point on his resolve grew firm, and he learned how to sit straight on any floor under any conditions.

  这样地修行了一个星期後,阿姜 查摇铃结束坐禅,然後开始晚间的开示。“今晚,”他直盯著这位新沙弥开始说道:“我们要谈谈为何修习佛法说要依靠自己、支持自己,而不是去依靠外在的东西。”大殿里的其他僧侣都在偷偷地笑。这位西方人,有点不好意思,坐得比平常还要直,静静地听完开示。从此以後,他的决心坚固地建立了起来,而且学会了如何在任何情况下、任何地板上,都能挺直而坐。

{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

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