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流浪汉 Aimless Wanderer
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Aimless Wanderer

When we have no real home, we're like an aimless wanderer out on the road, going this way for a while and then that way, stopping for a while and then setting off again. Until we return to our real home, whatever we do we feel ill at ease, just like somebody who's left his village to go on a journey. Only when he gets home again can he really relax and be comfortable. Nowhere in the world is any real peace to be found. That's the nature of the world. Look within yourself and find it there instead. When we think of the Buddha and how truly he spoke, we feel how worthy he is of reverence and respect. Whenever we see the truth of something, we see his teachings, even if we've never actually practiced Dhamma. But even if we have knowledge of his teachings, have studied and practiced them but still have not seen their truth, then we're still homeless like the aimless wanderer.

{返回 森林里的一棵树 A Tree in a Forest 文集}

上一篇:盲人 Blind Man
下一篇:森林里的一棵树 序言 A Tree in a Forest - Introduction
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