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野鸡 Wild Chickens
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Wild Chickens

As long as true wisdom hasn't yet arisen, we still see the senses and their objects as our enemies. But once true wisdom arises we no longer see them as such. They become the doorway to insight and clear understanding.
A good example is the wild chickens in the forest. We all know how much they fear humans. Yet since I've lived in the forest, I've been able to teach them and learn from them too. I began by throwing them rice to eat. At first they were afraid and wouldn't go near the rice. But after a while they got used to it and even began to expect it. They first thought the rice was a dangerous enemy. But there was no danger in the rice. They just didn't know the rice was food, so they were afraid. When they finally saw there was nothing to fear, they could come and eat peacefully. Wild chickens learn naturally like this. Living here in the forest, we learn in the same way. Before, we thought our senses were a problem, and because we thought our senses were a problem, and because we didn't know how to use them properly, they were troublesome. Through experience in practice, however, we learn to se them according to the Truth. We learn to use them, just as the chickens did with the rice. Then they're no longer against us and problems disappear.

{返回 森林里的一棵树 A Tree in a Forest 文集}

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