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我们在何处可以止息苦?Where can we put an end to suffering (dukkha)?
{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}


42) This subject brings us to the question,

42) “Where can we put an end to suffering (dukkha)?”


WE DON’T PUT an end to suffering in the monastery, in the forest, in the home, or on the mountain. We have to put an end to suffering right at the cause of suffering itself. What we must do is investigate and find out the way suffering arises in us each day and from what root it originates. Then we have to cut off that particular root. Yesterday’s suffering has already been and gone. It can’t come back, it is over and done with. It is suffering that arises today, right now, that is the problem. Suffering that may arise tomorrow is not as yet a problem, but the suffering arising and existing right now must be eradicated. So then, where is it to be eradicated? It must be eradicated at its root. We must study life until we realize that, as the Buddha said, suffering arises simply from grasping and clinging.



It is usually proclaimed eloquently, but ambiguously, that birth, aging, and death are suffering. But birth is not suffering, aging is not suffering, death is not suffering where there is no attachment to “my birth”, “my aging”, “my death” At the moment, we are grasping at birth, aging, pain, and death as “ours”. If we don’t grasp, they are not suffering, they are only bodily changes. The body changes thus, and we call it “birth”; the body changes thus, and we call it “aging”; the body changes thus, and we call it “death”; but we fail to see it as just bodily changes. We see it as actual birth, and what is more, we call it “my birth”, “my aging”, and “my death”. This is a multiple delusion because “I” is a delusion to start with; so seeing a bodily change as “my birth”, or “my aging” is yet a further delusion. We fail to see that these are simply bodily changes. Now just as soon as we do see these as only bodily changes, birth, aging, and death disappear, and “I” disappears at the same time. There is no longer any “I”, and this condition is not suffering.

  佛陀说:“生是苦,老是苦,死是苦”。大部分的人——实际上几乎全部的人,都误解了佛陀的意思,他们说生、老、死的现象是苦,有些人根本没办法解释;有些人则犹豫、不肯定,解释得支支吾吾、含含糊糊。这是因为他们忘了佛陀曾说:“取著五蕴是苦”(sankittena pancupadanakkhandhadukkha),五蕴既是身和心,身、心组合而成为人。若执著其中任何一个为“我”或“我所有”,则五蕴是苦、是重担、是苦源、是热火。所以,取著五蕴是苦。

The Buddha said, “Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, death is suffering”, and the majority of people, almost all in fact, mis- understand him. They point to the condition of birth, the condition of aging, and the condition of death as being suffering. Some can’t explain it at all. Some, hesitant and uncertain, explain it vaguely and ambiguously, evasively hemming and hawing. This is because they forget that the Buddha said “Sa.khittena pa.cupādānakkhandhā dukkhā” (the five aggregates, when clung to, are suffering). The aggregates are body and mind; together they constitute the person. If there is grasping at anything as being “I” or “mine”, then the five aggregates are suffering. Those five aggregates are a heavy burden, a source of suffering. There is fire and brimstone in those five aggregates. So the five aggregates, if associated with grasping and clinging, are suffering.

  现在,假设我们的五蕴处在“老”的状态中,若我们的心不执着五蕴为“老”或“我老”,那么它们就不是苦了。我们应视色是空、受是空、想是空、行是空、识是空,诸行旋转流动的现象也是空,一切皆空,就不可能苦了。这样的五蕴是清净的五蕴(pancakkhandha),我们把它当作是阿罗汉的五蕴,事实上,阿罗汉不会成为五蕴的主人,因为这种心境,无论如何都不可能把五蕴执为“我所有”,但五蕴可以说正是阿罗汉德行的容器,我们姑且称它为“阿罗汉清净的五蕴”(pancakkhandha of an arahant)。

Now suppose these five aggregates are in the condition known as “aging”. If the mind does not grasp at and cling to them as “aging”, or as “my aging”, then they will not be suffering. We shall then see the body as empty, the feelings as empty, the perceptions as empty, the willed activities as empty, and consciousness as empty. We shall see the whole flowing and swirling conditioning of everything as empty. Without clinging it cannot be suffering. Such are pure pa.cakkhandha (aggregates dissociated from grasping). Such are the five aggregates of an arahant, or what we presume to call the five aggregates of an arahant. For really, an arahant cannot be described as being the owner of the five aggregates, but we look on those aggregates as being the receptacle of the virtues of arahantship. That type of mind cannot grasp at the aggregates in any way as being “mine”, still we presume to call them the pure pa.cakkhandha of an arahant.


Where to put an end to suffering? We have to eliminate suffering at the root of suffering, namely grasping and clinging to things. Suffering due to attachment to wealth must be eradicated there in that attachment. Suffering due to grasping and clinging to the illusions of power, prestige, honour, and fame must be eradicated there in that grasping and clinging. Then wealth, power, and prestige will not be in themselves suffering. So find out where it arises and eliminate it there. In the words if the old-time Dhamma experts, “whichever way it goes up, bring it down that same way.”

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

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