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当前栏目:[Teachings in Chinese Buddhism]文集

 EDITOR’S NOTE 阅读:1533
 How I came to follow the Buddha’s Path 阅读:1816
 The Basic Purpose of Following the Teaching of Buddha 阅读:1833
 The Path From Human to Buddhahood 阅读:1522
 The Three Essentials In Practising the Teaching of the Buddha 阅读:1963
 Excellence of the Three Birth, & Cause and Effect Theories 阅读:1621
 Common Buddhist Misunderstandings 阅读:1791
 The New Idea We Ought To Have 阅读:1676
 The Position of the Chinese Tripitaka in World Buddhism 阅读:1737
 Preface 阅读:1601
 Buddha Dharma is the Light of Deliverance 阅读:1624
 Buddha Came to Save and Protect Us 阅读:1816
 A Discussion of The Three-vehicles and One-vehicle Practice 阅读:1853
 Buddhism - The Middle Path 阅读:1656
 The Two Distinctive Characteristics of Buddhism 阅读:1669
 Sunyata (Emptiness) in the Mahayana Context 阅读:1703
 The Teachings on the Expedient Path of Buddhist Practice 阅读:1558
 Dharma About Lay People for Lay People 阅读:1606
 Let Go of Your Sorrow 阅读:1851
 Relieving Suffering of Mind to Relieving Suffering of Body 阅读:1757

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