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当前栏目:[Good Questions, Good Answers on Buddhism]文集

 But surely it is good to kill sometimes, eg disease-spreading insects? 阅读:1779
 You Buddhists are too concerned about ants and bugs? 阅读:1795
 The Third Precept says we should avoid sexual misconduct. What is Sexul misconduct? 阅读:1657
 Is sex before marriage a type a sexual misconduct? 阅读:2151
 But what about lying? Is it possible to live without telling lies? 阅读:1617
 Well, what about alcohol? Surely a little drink doesnt hurt? 阅读:1690
 Drinking a small amount wouldnt be really breaking the precept? 阅读:1789
 The five precepts are negative. They dont tell you what to do? 阅读:1669
 How do I become a Buddhist? 阅读:1659
 If Ive done this and find the Teaching acceptable, what do I do to become a Buddhist? 阅读:1718
 What are the Three Refuges? 阅读:1668
 What changes have taken place in your life since you first took the three refuges? 阅读:1917
 Im being pressured by a friend to convert to a religion. What should I do? 阅读:1625
 But he says he wants to share his religion with me. 阅读:1694
 So how can I stop him? 阅读:1771
 Should Buddhists try to share the Dhamma with others? 阅读:1638

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