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当前栏目:[The Jataka Tales]文集

 About the Jataka Tales 阅读:1598
 The Future Buddha as a Wise Judge 阅读:1802
 The Mosquito and the Carpenter 阅读:1804
 The Golden Mallard 阅读:1489
 The Tortoise That Refused to Leave Home 阅读:1638
 How a Parrot Told Tales of His Mistress and Had His Neck Wrung 阅读:1655
 The Monkeys Heart 阅读:1561
 The Talkative Tortoise 阅读:1692
 The People Who Saw the Judas Tree 阅读:1602
 The Timid Hare and the Flight of the Beasts 阅读:1600
 The Language of Animals 阅读:1712
 Sulasa and Sattuka 阅读:1576
 How an Ungrateful Son Planned to Murder His Old Father 阅读:1958

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