(1) 身体、心理、人格、社会关系等健康,
(2) 个人智慧、名声、谋生及发展才能等,
(3) 美好的居住环境、伴侣、师长和亲朋,
(4) 各类有形或无形的内外支持,
(5) 良好机会,以及逢凶化吉、转危为安的运气,
(6) 五福:长寿、富贵、康宁、好德和善终。
它们人人皆想,却是少有人得。有关方法佛陀在南传小部经如是语经中的善行经(Khuddaka-Itivuttaka 71)也有简要的开示:我亲见和亲证,若人赋有以下五事:
(1) 身善行、(2)语善行、(3)意善行、(4)不诽谤圣者、(5)持有正见及依正见行事者,身坏命终自会转生善趣。
(一) 远离愚痴人,常与智者交,尊敬值得尊敬者,是为最上的幸福。
(二) 住在合适处,往昔曾行善,现今又行于正道,是为最上的幸福。
(三) 博学技艺精,善守诸戒律,处世能言兼善辩,是为最上的幸福。
(四) 养亲爱妻儿,谋生不伤人,从事正当的职业,是为最上的幸福。
(五) 慷慨兼正直,乐助诸亲友,行为无可责难者,是为最上的幸福。
(六) 避恶戒除恶,远离麻醉品,坚持德行不放逸,是为最上的幸福。
(七) 谦虚与恭敬,知足并感恩,有机会听闻佛法,是为最上的幸福。
(八) 忍耐与服从,遇到修行僧,能适时研讨正法,是为最上的幸福。
(九) 克己修净行,觉知四圣谛,现世能体证涅槃,是为最上的幸福。
(十) 遇事遭变故,不动不忧伤,内心离垢得安稳,是为最上的幸福。
成就的人天,无往而不利,所到之处皆安乐,是为最上的幸福。 [完]
(注1) 远离麻醉品:指不饮酒、不抽烟、不吸毒等。
(注2) 德行:一般指自利利他的良好行为和习惯。
(注3) 克己修净行:指过有自制的、少欲的、守戒律的严谨修行生活。
(注4) 遇事遭变故:指「世间法」中的得(利益)、失(衰灭或减损)、毁(毁谤)、 誉(背后赞誉)、称(当众称道)、讥(诽谤)、苦、乐、等八法或八世风。
(注5) 内心离垢:指内心没有(不染)贪瞋痴烦恼及其有关的随烦恼等。
Mangala Sutta (Discourse on Blessing) by K. Sri Dhammananda
Thus have I heard. On one occasion, the Blessed One was dwelling at the monastery of Anathapindika in Jeta's Grove near Savatthi.
When the night was far spent, a certain deity whose surpassing splendour illuminated the entire Jeta Grove, came to the presence of the Blessed One, and, drawing near, respectfully saluted and stood at one side. Standing thus, He addressed the Blessed One in verse, "Many deities and men, yearning after good, have pondered on Blessings. Pray, please tell me the Highest Blessing."
(The Buddha replied as follows.)
1. Not to associate with the fools, to associate with the wise, and honour those who are worthy of honour -- this is the Highest Blessing.
2. To reside in a suitable locality, to have done meritorious actions in the past, and to set oneself in the right course -- this is the Highest Blessing.
3. Vast-learning, perfect handicraft, a highly trained discipline (well-trained in discipline), and pleasant speech -- this is the Highest Blessing.
4. The support of father and mother, the cherishing of wife and children, and peaceful occupations -- this the Highest Blessing.
5. Liberality, Righteous conduct, the helping of relatives, and blameless actions -- this is the Highest Blessing.
6. To cease and abstain from evil. Forbearance with respect to intoxicants. And steadfastness in virtue -- this is the Highest Blessing.
7. Reverence, humility, Contentment, gratitude, and opportune hearing of the Dhamma -- this is the Highest Blessing.
8. Patience, obedience, sight of the Samanas (ascetics) and religious discussions at due season -- this is the Highest Blessing.
9. Self-control, Holy Life, perception of the Noble Truths, and the realisation of Nibbana -- this is the Highest Blessing.
10. He whose mind does not flutter by contact with worldly contingencies, sorrowless, stainless, and secure -- this is the Highest Blessing.
To them, fulfilling matters such as these, everywhere invincible, in every way moving happily -- these are the Highest Blessings.