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阎罗王的五封信 King Yamas Five Letters
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King Yama's Five Letters
录自楞严经卷四 From Suramgama Sutra, Book 4
  There was a man who died and went to see King Yama.  When he saw King Yama, he protested to the king about his unfairness.
He said: "You (the King) are so unreasonable, you don't understand about reasonableness  at all.  You simply called to see me.  But you should have sent me a letter first.  You could gradually tell me and make me realize it, then you would call upon me and let me have a chance to prepare myself.  You didn't send me a telegram, a letter, or even a phone call, you just snatched me here.  You are just too unreasonable."
King Yama said to the guy: "I have sent you several letters already, you just didn't realize that."
The guy said: "I never received any of your letters."
The King said: "My first letter to you was about your neighbor's child, the child died right after birth.  That was my first letter to you.  You are quite senior, but that child was dead right after birth, you should have !  You should have realized!  You should have cultivated!  You should have practiced the Way!"
The guy said: "Oh! That was the first letter?! Then what about the second letter?"
King Yama said: "The second letter?  About your eyes, wasn't there a time when your eyes got a little blurrier and you couldn't see very well?" 
The guy said: "Yeah!"
The King said: "Right.  That was the second letter."
The guy asked: "What about the third letter?"
The king answered: "Wasn't there a time when your ears got a little deafer?"
The guys said: "That's right."  That was the third letter.
The guy asked: "What about the fourth letter then?"
The king answered: "About the fourth letter, didn't all your teeth fall out?"
The guy said: "Yeah.  Oh, that was the fourth letter to me?!  I, ow, I couldn't read a word, I didn't know this was what you meant letters."
Then King Yama said: "Do you have anything more to say this time?"
The guy thought about it for a while:  It was true that the child died right after his birth.  It was meant to make me realize.  It was also true that the my teeth fell out, the eyes got blurrier and the ears had gone deafer.  All of these were the letters to me.
Then the guy asked again: "What about the last letter?"
The King said: "In the last letter, I told you to see if your hair was gray."
The guy said: "I saw it! Oh, that was the last letter?" Then the guy had nothing else to say.
King Yama said: "Since you have eaten so much meat, well then, go reincarnate as a pig!"
This time, the guy was reincarnated as a pig.  When will he ever be reincarnated back as a human again?  Nobody knows.

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