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上堂说法无法可说 Ascending the Hall to Speak Dharma, There Is No Dharma to Speak Of
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Ascending the Hall to Speak Dharma, There Is No Dharma to Speak Of
静安记录 Transcribed by Jing An
 Venerable Master Hua ascends the hall to speak Dharma
古往今来春复秋 争名夺利几时休
富贵荣华三更梦 谁见享受永无忧
December 26, 1992 at Gold Mountain Sagely Monastery
"The past has gone by; the present is here, now. When the spring goes by, the autumn will follow. Fighting for fame and profit, when will these all cease? Who has seen eternal enjoyment without worry?" The Dharma speaker has no Dharma to speak of. The Buddha, after speaking Sutras for forty-nine years, and held over three hundred assemblies, right before entering Nirvana, said, "I did not speak a single word of Dharma." Anything that can be spoken has no true meaning. The true Dharma requires you to practice on your own so as to cut off love and sever desire. Apart from this, there is no Dharma that can be spoken. You should pay attention to this, now Upasakas Huang Gwo-jyun, Poon Gwo-song, Huang Gwo-ywan and Lee Gwo-tsau come to request Dharma from this Mountain Monk. I am very stupid and ignorant and know no other Dharma except not to contend, not to be greedy, not to seek, not to be selfish, not to be self-benefiting and not to tell lies. That's all. If you feel these are useful to you, then you may give it a try. I can keep on talking but will not say anything beyond this. You have been hearing me speaking the Dharma for a long time already. Anything that I said, if it is in accord with the Way, you may advance, if it is not in accord with the Way, you may retreat. You should follow what is right and leave what is not right. I hope you will give your best and work hard!

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