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修行人一切要整洁 A Cultivator Must Be Tidy All Around
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A Cultivator Must Be Tidy All Around
恒辅记录 Transeribed by Heng Fu
我们现在是在一个开始要奠定基础的期间,一切的事情都没有定法,常常改变,往好的改善。可是改善,先要由我们人日常生活来改善,譬如我们住的地方,要把它都收拾得干干净净的。用厕所,我们每一个人都要小心,要注意,不要把一些垃圾都倒到厕所里去,令厕所的水池不通了,人也不会使用抽水马桶,就说它坏了。其实这不是坏了,是你不会用它,把它用得那个样子。无论那个房间的厕所如果有问题了,随时就要修理,好像我们现在这个厕所也很多的,可是往往人不会用,把它用得不 work 了,这就叫「侵损常住」。你在这个地方住,把道场的东西弄坏了,这是对不起常住。我们「爱惜常住物,如护眼中珠」,不能说拿着公家的东西都不当一回事,什么都滥用,什么都浪费,这样子,问问自己良心,应该是有愧的。
Talk by the Venerable Master on September 11, 1992
In this period of setting the foundation, nothing is definite, and everything is constantly been improve. But the improvement begins with our daily life. For example, we should keep our rooms tidy. When using the toilet, we should not flush things down which will jam the plumbing. Because people don't know how to use a flush toilet, they say it's broken. Actually it's not broken; they just don't know how to use it. No matter which toilet has trouble working, it should be repaired immediately. We have a lot of toilets now, but people who don't know how to use them often damage them. This is called "Destroying the property of the permanent dwelling." If you live here and break the things of this Way-place, you are in debt to the Way-place. We should "Cherish the property of the permanent dwelling as if protecting the pupils in our own eyes." You cannot just carelessly take public property and waste it all away. If you do, your conscience should make you ashamed.
If you live here; you ought to treat this Way-place as your own home and be responsible for putting it in order. Your room, the gardens and all the walkways should be clean and neat. You cannot live here without doing any work at all, only studying the Sutras all day. This is being lazy and irresponsible towards the permanent dwelling. Thus, the flowers, grass and trees should all be trimmed and kept in order, and your room should also be kept tidy.
(to be continued)

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