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1-ThePairs(Dh.1-20) 一、双品
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Homage toHim,theBlessedOne, thePerfectedOne, theSupremelyEnlightenedOne!



1.Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts, suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot ofthe ox.

2. Mind precedes all mentalstates. Mind is their chief; they areall mind wrought. If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts, happiness follows him like his never-departing shadow. 3. “He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me”. Those who harbour such thoughts donotstill their hatred. 4. “He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me”. Those who donot harbour such thoughtsstill their hatred. 5. Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is an Eternal Law. wrought:a.作成的、精制的。 abuse:v. n.辱骂、虐待。 overpower:v. 击败、克服。 appease:v.使平静、使满足。 eternal︰a.永恒的、永存的。


1诸法意先导,意主.意造作1。若以染污意,或语.或行业, 是则苦随彼,如轮随兽足2。3

2诸法意先导,意主.意造作。若以清净意,或语.或行业, 是则乐随彼,如影不离形。4

〈3~4〉 3「彼骂我.打我,败我 .劫夺我」,若人怀此念,怨恨不能息。 4「彼骂我 .打我,败我 .劫夺我」,若人舍此念,怨恨自平息。



1诸法(mentalphenomena、mental states)︰在此指善 .恶业(kamma)。意︰指

心识。此句即:心为所有作为的前导,心为它们的主人,它们为心所造作。 2如轮随兽足:cakkam’va vahatopadam,如车轮跟随拖车的兽足。 3这是护眼长老 (Cakkhupalatthera)的故事,他因瞎了眼,在晚上经行踏死很多

小生物,隔天被其他比丘发现。佛陀说他无心杀,没有罪。《本事经》: 「诸不善法生,为因能感苦,皆意为前导,与烦恼俱生。意为前导法,意 尊意所使,由意有染污,故有说有行,苦随此而生,如轮因手转。」(T4.663.3)

4舍卫城一位吝啬的婆罗门之子,甚至快死了,父亲也不延医,佛陀知道此事, 去托钵,经过他家,向他放光,他对佛陀生信,死后生忉利天。他父亲到坟 墓去哭,他下来劝他的父亲要亲近佛陀。《本事经》:「诸净善法生,为 因能感乐,皆意为前导,与善法俱生。意为前导法,意尊意所使,由意 有清净,故有说有行,乐随此而生,如影随形转。」 (T4.664.1)

5这是关于帝沙长老 (Tissatthera)的故事。帝沙长老是佛陀的表弟,晚年出家, 却喜装作长老,常与年轻比丘争吵。他不只是今生顽固,前世也很顽固。 6本则是妻与妾多世冤冤相报的故事。佛陀作了劝导。《增壹阿含 24.8经》︰


6. There are those who do notrealize thatone day we all must die. But those who realize this settle their quarrels. 7. Just as a storm throws down a weak tree, so does Mara overpower the man who lives for the pursuit of pleasures, who is uncontrolled in his senses, immoderate in eating, indolent and dissipated. 8. Just as a storm cannot prevail against a rocky mountain, so Mara can never overpower the man who lives meditating on the impurities, who is controlled in his senses, moderate in eating, and filled with faith and earnest effort. 9. Whoever being depraved, devoid of self-control and truthfulness, should don the monk’s yellow robe, he surely is notworthy oftherobe. 10. But whoever is purged of depravity, well established in virtues and filled with self-control and truthfulness, he indeed is worthyofthe yellow robe. quarrel:n.争吵、不和。 Mara:n.魔。 indolent:a.懒惰的。 dissipate:v.驱散、消失。 prevail:v.胜过。

「怨怨不休息,自古有此法,无怨能胜怨,此法终不朽。」 (T2.627.2)

The impurities (asubha): n.不净观。 deprave:v.使败坏、使堕落。 depravity:n.堕落。 purge:v.净化。 virtue:n.戒律、道德。

6彼人 1不了悟:「我等将毁灭 2」。若彼等知此,则诤论自息。

〈7~8〉 7唯求住净乐4,不摄护诸根5,饮食不知量6,懈惰.不精进, 彼实为魔7伏,如风吹弱树8。 8愿求非乐 9住,善摄护诸根,饮食知节量,具信10又精进,魔 11不能胜彼,如风吹石山。12

〈9~ 10〉 9若人穿袈裟,不离诸垢秽,无诚实克己,不应着袈裟。

1彼人(Pare其他诸人 ):指在憍赏弥 (Kosambi)的比丘,因精通律的比丘与精 通法的比丘判定有罪、无罪意见不同而起诤论。故事与第 328-330偈同。 2我等将毁灭:我们将灭亡于此诤论之中。另译作:「我们在此处要止息」 (mayam etthayamamase)。

3 cf. M.48.Kosambiyasuttam憍赏弥经、《增壹阿含 24.8经》 (T2.626.)、《本 生经》 J.428.、cf.《律藏》〈大品〉〈憍赏弥犍度〉 Vin.Mv. p.338ff.、 《五分律》卷 24(T22.158.3)、《四分律》卷 43(T22.874.3)

4净乐:好乐、贪着色身的净美。 5不摄护诸根:眼 .耳.鼻.舌.身.意不自我保护,随心纵欲。 6饮食不知量:对饮食不省察所从来,为娱乐或炫耀或美白而饮食。 7魔(mara):在此指欲望。 8如风吹弱树:vatorukkhamva dubbalam。dubbalam,弱(难(ㄋˊ)强力)。 9非乐:asubha(不净观 ),观察身体十种不净或身体三十二种成(ㄢ) 份。 10信:对佛 .法.僧不动摇的信心。 11魔:烦恼魔。 12偈颂故事︰摩诃迦罗和小迦罗兄弟都是生意人,后来都出家,摩诃迦罗

努力在墓地禅修,并观照身体的无常,证得阿拉汉果。小迦罗对修行没 有兴趣,最后被他的妻妾说服还俗。相反地,摩诃迦罗已不为欲望所动。

10若人离诸垢 1,能善持戒律 2,克己与诚实,彼应着袈裟。 3

11. Those who mistake the unessential to be essential and the essential to be unessential dwelling in wrong thoughts, never arrive at theessential. 12. Those who know the essential to be essential and the unessential to be unessential, dwelling in right thoughts, do arrive at theessential. 13. Just as the rain breaks through an ill-thatched house, so passion penetrates anundeveloped mind. 14. Just as rain does not break through a well-thatched house, so passion never penetrates a well-developed mind. 15. The evil-doer grieves here and hereafter; he grieves in both worlds. He laments and is afflicted, recollecting his ownimpure deeds. 1离诸垢 (vanta-kasava吐污):离烦恼。有烦恼垢、尘垢、垢秽、惑垢、染

垢等名词。 2戒律︰DhA:silesuti catuparisuddhisilesu. (于诸戒:于四遍清净的戒。 ) 3舍利弗 .目犍连尊者不了解提婆达多,误把一件高价的袈裟供养他。

thatched:a.茅草盖的。 grieve:n.悲伤。lament:悲叹。 afflict:折磨。

〈11~ 12〉 11非真思真实1,真实见非真,邪思惟境界,彼不达真实。 12真实思真实,非真知非真,正思惟境界,彼能达真实。2

〈13~ 14〉 13如盖屋不密,必为雨漏浸,如是不修心,贪欲必漏入。3 14如善密盖屋,不为雨漏浸,如是善修心,贪欲不漏入。4

1非真思真实: DhA: as asasasasa aaaar rrrre eeees ssssa aaaar rrrram amamamamat atatatati iiiin nnnno ooooti cattaro paccaya, dasavatthuka micchaditthi, tassa upanissayabhuta dhammadesanati ayam asaro nama. (在 非核心之中思量核心:从四资具,它的十事的邪见解,已成为依靠的指 示法,此名叫非核心。)

2 11~12偈为优婆提舍(舍利弗)和拘律陀(目犍连),听到马胜比丘念诵:「诸 法因缘生,如来说诸因。诸法因缘灭,大沙门如是说。」的法偈,当下 就证得预流果。之后,优婆提舍把这因缘的偈颂告诉拘律陀,他听完这 偈颂后,也立刻证得预流果。然后,他们就去找他们的老师删闍耶,并 告诉他说,他们已经找到可以指引究竟解脱之道的人,邀他一齐去见佛 陀,但是被删闍耶拒绝。他们向世尊表示删闍耶的拒绝,世尊说了此偈。

3《增壹阿含 18.7经》:「盖屋不密,天雨则漏,人不惟行,漏婬怒痴。 盖屋善密,天雨不漏,人能惟行,无婬怒痴。」(T2.591.3)

4 13~14偈为难陀(Nanda,世尊姨母弟,即摩诃波闍波提的儿子)恋恋不忘 未婚妻,渴望还俗。世尊为难陀说法的偈颂。

15现世此处悲,死后他处悲,作诸恶业者,两处俱忧悲, 见自恶业已,他悲.他苦恼。1

16. The doer of good rejoices here and hereafter; he rejoices in both worlds. He rejoices and exults, recollecting his own pure deeds. 17. The evil-doer suffers here and hereafter; they suffer in both worlds. The thought, “Evil have I done,” torments them, and he suffers even more when goneto realms of woe. 18. The doer of good delights here and hereafter; he delights in both worlds. The thought, “Good have I done,” delights him, and he delightseven more when gone torealms ofbliss. 19. Much though he recites the sacred texts, but acts not accordingly, that heedless man is like a cowherd who only counts the cows of others --he does not partake of the blessings ofa holy life. 20. Little though he recites the sacred texts, but puts the Teaching into practice, forsaking lust, hatred and delusion, with true wisdom and emancipated mind, clinging to nothing this or any other world --he, indeed, partakes of the blessings of a holy 1本偈为住在竹林精舍附近,屠猪夫纯陀 (Cundasukarika ),临终前作猪叫, 在地上打滚,经一星期,死后下地狱,世尊说出此偈。


rejoice:n.欣喜。 exult:n.狂喜。 torment:n.痛苦。 realm:n.领土、界。 woe:n.悲哀。 heedless:不专心。 sacred:a.神圣的。 cowherd:n.牧牛者。 partake:a.分享的。 forsaking︰a.抛弃的。 emancipated︰解脱的。

16现世此处乐,死后他处乐,作诸善业者,两处俱受乐, 见自善业已,他乐.他极乐。1

17现世此处苦,死后他处苦,作诸恶业者,两处俱受苦, 现悲「我作恶」,堕恶趣更苦。2

18现世此处喜,死后他处喜,修诸福业者,两处俱欢喜, 现喜「我修福」,生善趣更喜。3

〈19~ 20〉 19虽多诵经集 4,放逸而不行,如牧数他牛,自无沙门分。 20虽诵经典少,能依教实行,具足正知识,除灭贪.瞋.痴,

善净解脱心,弃舍于世欲,此界 .或他界,彼得沙门分 5。6

本偈说昙弥优婆塞 (Dhammika-upasaka)的故事。住在舍卫城的昙弥乐善好 施,临终时有六天的六匹马车来迎,他告诉儿女,他选择去兜率天。

2本偈说提婆达多 (Devadatta)的故事。他是大师的表弟,他学成神通之后, 曾以神通博得阿闍世王的信任,之后,日日获得很多供养。他想当僧团 的领导人,曾跟佛陀索众,佛陀没有答应。他怀恨在心,有三次谋害佛 陀不成,其中一次利用山上的滚石,伤到佛足,出佛身血;杀佛不成, 他就有分裂僧团的动作;又杀害莲华色阿拉汉尼 (Uppalavanna)。多项五


3给孤独长者的第三女儿善意天(Sumanadevi),临终时称父亲为「弟弟」。 给孤独长者困惑不安,以为她临终时没有正念。佛陀说,她临终时正念 现前,因为她证得二果,境界比给孤独长者高,死后往生兜率天。

4经集:DhA:s ssssa aaaam mmmmh hhhhi iiiit ttttan ananananti tepitakassa buddhavacanassetam namam.(经集:这 是佛说的三藏之名。)


6 19-20偈说两位好友比库的故事。一位已证阿拉汉果,一位只精通经教。


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上一篇:2-Heedfulness (Dh.21-32) 二、不放逸品
下一篇:中英对照 Dhammapada《法句经》序
 24 -Craving (Dh.334-359) 二十四、爱欲品..
 2-Heedfulness (Dh.21-32) 二、不放逸品..
 15 -Happiness (Dh.197-208) 十五、乐品..
 6-TheWiseMan (Dh.76-89) 六、智者品
 5-TheFool (Dh.60-75) 五、愚品
 3-TheMind (Dh.33-43) 三、心品
 12 -TheSelf (Dh.157-166) 十二、自己品..
 16 -Affection(Dh.209-220) 十六、喜爱品..
 26 -TheHolyMan(Dh.383-423) 二十六、婆罗门品..
 10 -Violence (Dh.129-145) 十、刀杖品..
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