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13 -TheWorld (Dh.167-178) 十三、世品
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13 -TheWorld (Dh.167-178)

167. Follow not the vulgar way; live not in heedlessness; hold not false views; linger not long in worldly existence. 168. Arise! Do not be heedless! Lead a righteous life. The righteous live happily bothin this world and the next. 169. Lead a righteous life; lead nota base life. The righteous live happily bothin this world and the next.

perverted︰a.使变坏的,腐蚀的。 intent︰a.热切的。



1格他格草:katthaka,芦苇类,结实则死。 2 (自)己利益︰attadattham,指道、果、涅槃。 3佛陀宣告︰「四个月后即将般涅槃。」七百位凡夫比丘(puthujjana bhikkhu)

生起悚惧心,来亲近佛陀,共商︰「我们该怎幺办?」有位自利长老 (Attadatthatthero阿塔达塔)依然保持正常的作息,不来佛陀的身边。其 他比丘误解他的心意,便向佛陀报告。自利长老于是恭敬地向佛陀解释, 他对佛陀最崇敬的就是在佛陀般涅槃之前,证得阿拉汉果。佛陀赞叹他: 「做得好!尊敬我的比丘,应该像你一样。只有真正法随法行 (dhammanudhammampatipajjantayeva)的人才是真正尊敬我的人。」(与 364偈的故事同)。

4卑劣法:DhA:h hhhhN iiiin nnnna aaaam mmmmd ddddh hhhham amamamamm mmmman ananananti pabcakamagunam dhammam.(卑劣法: 五种欲的法。)五种欲︰五种感官(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)的欲望。 5世俗︰loka,指生死轮回。

〈168~169〉 168奋起莫放逸!行正法善行。依正法行者,此世.他世乐。 169行正法善行。勿行于恶行。依正法行者,此世.他世乐。

170. One who looks upontheworld as abubble and amirage, him the King ofDeathsees not. 171. Come! Behold this world, which is like a decorated royal chariot. Here fools flounder, but the wise have no attachment to it. 172. He who having been heedless is heedless no more, illuminates this world like the moonfreed fromclouds. 173. He who by good deeds covers the evil he has done, illuminates this world like the moonfreed fromclouds. 174. Blind is this world; here only a few possess insight. Only a few, like birds escaping froma net, goto therealms ofbliss. 175. Swans fly onthe pathofthe sun; men pass throughthe air by psychic powers; the wise are led away from the world after vanquishing Mara and his host. vanquish︰v.征服。 scorn︰n. v.轻蔑,藐视

170视如水上浮沤,视如海市蜃楼,若人观世如是, 死王不得见他。1

171来看这个世界,犹如庄严王车。愚人沈湎此中, 智者毫无执着。2





1有五百位修观的比丘 (pabcasatevipassakebhikkhu)到阿兰若去禅修。但进展 缓慢,他们决定回精舍向佛陀请示,途中,他们遇见了海市蜃楼 (远处景 象透过空中折射产生的幻影 ),就以这种业处作观。当他们抵达精舍时, 突然暴雨,大雨滴打在地上,形成水泡,很快就消失。他们因此如是思惟: 「我们的身体就像这些水泡,终究会毁坏。」而察觉到五蕴无常。 无畏王子 (Abhayarajakumara)弭平边疆叛乱,回宫后,频婆沙罗王 (Bimbisara)很高兴,特派擅长歌舞的舞女犒劳七天,让他享受国王般的待 遇,在第七天,舞女暴毙,王子很伤心,他寻求佛陀的慰藉,佛陀说此偈。

3正人长老 (Sammajjanatthera沙吗迦那 )大部分的时间都在扫地,同住比丘建 议他拨空观身、观生命实相、诵经等,他接受建议,不久即证得阿拉汉果。 4本则为佛陀为鸯掘摩罗长老(Avgulimalatthera)而说的。鸯掘摩罗原为杀

人魔王,后来被佛陀降伏,出家,证得阿拉汉果。 5太阳道:太阳行走的道路,即虚空。 6神通力︰超出常人的特别能力,如能远视、远听或飞行等。修鍊禅定达



 1约有三十位比丘来会见佛陀,阿难尊者转身出去一下,再进来,他们都不见了,阿难尊者问︰「他们去哪里?」「阿难!走了。」「大德!怎幺走的?」 「阿难!从天空走。」「他们是漏尽者?」「他们听法之后证得阿拉汉果。」

176. For a liar who has violated theone law (oftruthfulness), who holds in scorn the hereafter, there is no evil that theycannot do. 177. Truly, misers fare not to heavenly realms; nor, indeed, do fools praise generosity. But wise man rejoices in giving, and by thatalone does he become happy hereafter. 178. Better than sole sovereignty over the earth, better than going to heaven, better even than lordship over all the worlds is the Supramundane Fruition of Stream-entry.




1 一乘法:ekam dhammam(一法),是指真理(saccam 谛)。


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上一篇:14 -TheBuddha (Dh.179-196) 十四、佛陀品
下一篇:12 -TheSelf (Dh.157-166) 十二、自己品
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 17 -Anger (Dh.221-234) 十七、忿怒品
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 中英对照 Dhammapada《法句经》序
 18 -Impurity (Dh.235-255) 十八、垢秽品..
 23 -TheElephant(Dh.320-333) 二十三、象品..
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 3-TheMind (Dh.33-43) 三、心品
 11 -OldAge (Dh.146-156) 十一、老品
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 密义显说 2.贪与乐[栏目:密义显说]



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