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意供 Mental Offerings
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Mental Offerings


Making mental offerings generates great merit. It is an easy task for those skilled in concentration and visualization. The following provides specific steps:


With a steady mind, imagine many excellent substances in your hands and offer them to Buddha Shakyamuni or other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. If you are good at visualization, think throughout space and reaching the end of the universe there gather the objects of veneration like cloud banks—lineage lamas, Buddhas of the ten directions and three times, as well as Bodhisattvas, sages, and noble Sanghas. The Sutra of Jewel Chest says: “Visualize many offering substances in your hands, offer them to the Buddha in front of you and to many other Buddhas throughout the universe. Offer in the same way to all sublime beings.” Similar descriptions are also found in the Avatamsaka Sutra.


Then imagine yourself and limitless beings of the six realms presenting the most excellent gifts: sumptuous nourishment, the seven jewels of the universal monarch, clouds of flowers, heavenly music, celestial parasols, angelic garment, all kinds of sublime perfumes—scented balms, aromatic incense, fragrant powders, and so on. Each of these cloud offerings is equal in quantity to Mt. Meru. Also present lamps of various kinds—butter lamps, oil lamps, and lamps of sweet perfumes, the wick of each lamp the size of Mt. Meru, the burning oil the amount of ocean water. Ceaselessly offer such gifts in veneration.


Mipham Rinpoche teaches: “When making mental offerings, first establish faith and devotion, then in a state of concentration imagine limitless offerings as cloud banks; at the same time, realize with wisdom that none of them has any real essence.”


Hence, in honoring spiritual masters and the Buddhas, it would be better to make mental offerings with a pure mind, rather than to make material offerings through trickery or deception.


Making offerings is a skillful means to please the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Every follower of Buddhism should advocate, “repaying the four great kindnesses and easing the sufferings of the three realms.” But should we harm other living beings in the name of offerings to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, it would be a perverted act that barters the trunk for branches.


Every day, take just a few minutes to practice mental offering with a mind arising from innate purity. By doing so, we are sure to accumulate boundless merit.


There are many skillful means like this for us to accumulate the two merits of wisdom and compassion. How wonderful!


8th of February, Year of RenWu
March 22, 2002

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 朝圣普贤愿海——《普贤行愿品》讲记 第十愿王——普皆回向[栏目:清净法师]



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