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勿扰 Disturb Not
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Disturb Not


“As time passes, old age creeps up on us. What remains unchanging is only the bright sunshine.” Time flies as swiftly as a flash of lightning; once gone, it can never be recovered. From the first day of obtaining this precious body to the last day of surrendering it, we have merely scores of years, and they rush away in a wink. One proverb says: “An exquisite jade, even a foot in diameter, is nothing to be treasured. Only our time is most precious; every second of it is to be cherished dearly.” For spiritual practitioners, it is all the more important to recognize the great value of time.


In one of his previous lives, Buddha Shakyamuni was reborn as a Brahmin who studiously practiced in solitude. The god Indra, deeply impressed, appeared in person intending to bestow accomplishment upon the future Buddha. The Brahmin said: “I really don’t have a lot of wishes. But should you grant me one, let it be the siddhi that you will no longer visit me, lest I be distracted by trying to receive you.” It is clear, then, that the best thing you can do for an authentic Dharma practitioner is to refrain from disturbing him.


A practitioner once told me that visitors or phone calls bother him most, as these would take up a good chunk of his time.


One Khenpo at the academy also says: “If a visitor comes to my house to handle some affairs, chances are he’ll stay and chatter on and on. To avoid such a situation, I would rather walk a long way to their place instead; that way I can depart as soon as things get done. Time won’t be wasted.”


That is so true. Those who care less or are insensitive to time deem talking or gossiping an enjoyment. Yet one who is keenly aware of the impermanence of life and the preciousness of human existence will rather give up wealth than waste time.


Master Nagongpa says: “Instead of discussing ambiguous or grandiose opinions, it would be better to read with respect the life stories of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, to learn how they advance from initial aspiration to ultimate accomplishment. This is one skillful way of learning that will never fail you!”


Lu Xun, the famous writer, says in his Essays of an Outsider (Main Wai Wen Tan): “Time is life. If you senselessly waste another’s time, how different is that from taking his life or stealing his money?” Therefore, even if you yourself are not engaging in Dharma practice, never plot against a practitioner’s life wealth!


6th April, Year of RenWu
May 18, 2002

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