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重要 Essential Points
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Essential Points


The Three Supreme Methods, the very pith instruction to enhance the source of merit, is taught emphatically by all the great masters. Its importance has always been extensively exhorted, whether at general teachings addressing a large group or at a one-to-one transmission.


Patrul Rinpoche has repeatedly admonished his disciples: “Whenever you do something positive, no matter how great or small, it is important to enhance it with the Three Supreme Methods. In the beginning, arouse bodhichitta as a skillful means to make sure that the action becomes a source of good for the future. While carrying out the action, avoid getting involved in any conceptualization, so that the merit cannot be destroyed by circumstances. At the end, seal the action properly by dedicating the merit, which ensures that it continually grows ever greater.”


The Omniscient Dharma King Longchenpa in The Precious Treasury of Pith Instructions also left this teaching: “Beginning with the motivation of bodhichitta, you go beyond the Basic Vehicle; practicing without attachment, you realize the nature of emptiness; concluding by dedicating the merit free from three concepts, you transform all activities onto the path.” And in A Treatise on Finding Comfort and Ease in the Nature of Mind in Great Perfection he says: “Always perform any meritorious act by arousing bodhichitta in the beginning, staying in non-conceptual wisdom while doing it, and at the end, dedicating the dreamlike merit. Understand that any positive action done with the Three Supreme Methods is called the virtue that leads to liberation and is the cause for complete enlightenment. On the other hand, any positive action done without the Three Supreme Methods is called the virtue that leads to temporary happiness. Its merit will be exhausted after bearing fruit only once.”


Therefore, if our goal is to attain perfect Buddhahood, all our positive actions—reciting mantras, making offerings, reading books, liberating live beings, prostration, and any other seemingly insignificant ones—should always be accompanied by the Three Supreme Methods. Like a drop of water falling into the ocean, merit that is dedicated to enlightenment will never dry up until its goal is reached. In the Middle Prajnaparamita Sutra the Buddha says: “Sariputra, dedicate the merit solely toward total enlightenment, do not dedicate it to anything less, such as attaining the level of Sravaka, Prakyabuddha, or others.”


Although I always preach these instructions, I myself have failed many times to execute them in my own conduct. How embarrassing! Lama chen!


9th of April, Year of RenWu
May 21, 2002

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