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A Message


Today a monk from Qinghai told me a piece of news: Lama Tokden passed away a month ago.


He was a disciple of Dzogchen Khenpo Kunze and had done solitary retreat in secluded mountains for 21 years. Even when he was incarcerated for some period, he did not let go of his practice. With his profound realization he wrote The Great Perfection: Cloudless Spacious Sky (which I am privileged to have read). On many occasions he displayed auspicious signs of accomplishment and has trained scores of outstanding disciples.


He was quite ill toward the end; on the day he died he told people around him: “All the students connected to me, here is my advice if you will listen: You must practice bodhichitta diligently when I am gone.” Thus said, he put on his formal gowns ceremoniously, sat in the vajra posture, and serenely passed away.


In the Vajrayana circles, there are numerous tantric practitioners who are able to foresee the time of their own death and make an elegant exit. On the other hand, there are people who have received empowerment and pith instruction on the Great Perfection but fail realization in this life due to insufficient effort. Such people, as long as they have held unfailing faith and strictly observed tantric vows, will meet Vajrayana in their future life and reach attainment as blessed by the power of listening to the Dharma.


Now that we have encountered this sublime Dharma, we should generate the supreme bodhichitta with highly intensified devotion, and practice assiduously in order to deliver all deluded sentient beings to liberation.


21st of May, Year of RenWu
July 1, 2002

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