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梦境 A Dream
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A Dream


In my dream, I was back in the Jiagar land of my old herding days. For seven wonderful days and nights, I was in the presence of a great master, the emanation of Avalokitesvara from India. In this short happy moment, I served the master with reverence, always staying right next to him.


He was wearing his regular outfit; every gesture of his was imbued with kindness and warmth, revealing fully his quality as an authentic spiritual friend. I couldn’t but feel drenched in wordless happiness at every moment.


Seven days went by in a blink.


On the last day, he told me he would like to leave me a few teachings. I was beyond elated. I had been secretly hoping for such good luck but was too afraid to ask, knowing well my lack of merit and the possible sullying by my eight worldly stains. Now that my wish would be granted, how could I not be overjoyed?


I handed the master humbly a blue pen and saw him writing on the pad: “Build your view on Madhyamaka, direct your activities to benefiting others…” He summed up the most essential points of all the doctrines in two and a half pages. He wrote at first with scribbles and then more neatly. After finishing, he handed it to me and let me pay homage to it. When he placed the scriptures on my head, I besought his blessings, and he recited the aspiration prayer in The Precious Treasury of Pith Instructions: “In all my lives, may I be born in higher realms and possess the seven noble qualities. May I encounter the Dharma the moment I am born. May I enjoy the freedom to practice the authentic Dharma. May I…” His voice was sonorous and clear in the beginning, and then grew faint and indistinct. Even now the surroundings in the dream remain vivid in my mind, as fresh as I am still experiencing it. I remember when I bowed down, my downcast eyes met the soft glow from his reddish-brown shoes, which was beautiful to behold.


Fortuitously, the next day when Khenpo Shebul was helping me straighten up my place, he found a gift given to me by the master that had long been lost.


I have told this story with the only intention of sharing my happiness. I am only speaking the truth, without the slightest desire to brag. Please take it for what it is worth.


28th of May, Year of RenWu
July 8, 2002

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上一篇:师教 Teacher’s Advice
下一篇:敬师 Veneration to Guru
 人海 Human Ocean
 闭口 Tight-Lipped
 品味 Taste It
 讥笑 Being Ridiculed
 寂寞 Feeling Lonesome
 杂感 Some Reflections
 敬师 Veneration to Guru
 歌声 Sound of Singing
 明天 Until Tomorrow
 长久 Sustained Effort
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