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靠着墙坐会吐血 If you lean against the wall, you may vomit blood.
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If you lean against the wall, you may vomit blood.


When the person next to you eats, it does not make you full. Likewise, no one but yourself can enable you to become enlightened. Good teachers can only teach you how to cultivate and how to meditate. Although they may show you the path, you yourself must walk upon it. If you choose not to, it will not be of any use. When you meditate, do not lean against the wall. You may think that the wall is hard and sturdy: “The wall will not fall if I lean against it, nor will I make a hole in it. Even if I fall asleep, I will not fall to the ground.” Well, let me warn you first—by doing this, you may get sick and vomit blood. Do not be so dependent and lean against the wall or anything else, thinking that this is more comfortable. This is a mistake!


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

上一篇:不要像小孩子 Do not act like a child
下一篇:不要吃太饱了 Do not eat too much
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