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★Section 3 - 禅堂的规矩 RULES OF THE CHAN HALL
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Protecting cultivators and practicing wholesome Dharma,
The Way will naturally be realized when merit and virtue are perfected.

拥护行人修善法 功德足时道自成

When cultivating, always practice together. It shouldn’t be the case that one person is practicing in this way and another person is practicing another way—each one being different from the others. This is inappropriate. If each person practices in a different way, they will not be able to become singleminded. You should practice the same way as everybody else. The hundreds of people in the Chan Hall do not bow to the Buddha, chant or read the sutras, or offer incense to the Buddha. They have even stopped doing their morning or evening ceremonies! Why is this? To help them to be singleminded! Thus, you should not be reading sutras in the Chan Hall, nor should you talk or practice some other dharma door. Everyone should cultivate the same dharma door and walk on the same path to bodhi—until we reach enlightenment, which is our final objective!


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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