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不睡觉受得了吗? Can You Handle Not Sleeping?
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Can You Handle Not Sleeping?


Q: I have meditated well today. My back and legs do not really ache and time has passed so quickly. It seems that in an instant, the sit has ended.

A: What is so good about that? You are simply sleeping there and not knowing anything!

Q: If we meditate every day without sleeping, how can we handle it?

A: “Meditation” can also be “sleeping.” Lots of people sit for long periods and never lie down to sleep at all; they can sleep while sitting. There are advantages to this. If you are not cultivating, it may be good to sleep. If you are cultivating, then meditate. It is good to sleep in a sitting posture. At
most, you will have a bad dream; you will not have other false thoughts.

Q: When I sit for too long, my legs ache so badly that they shake. Isn’t this too much?

A: Is climbing a mountain difficult? When I say climbing, I do not mean riding in a vehicle to the peak of the mountain. I mean walking step by step from the foot of the mountain to the peak. Such a journey is long and hard. Isn’t it difficult to climb a mountain? To participate in a Chan Session requires even more energy! Especially when you are not used to sitting in meditation for so long, and not used to running around, such hardship and tough conditions are unavoidable.







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上一篇:为什么你觉得痛? Why Do You Feel Pain?
下一篇:★Section 4 - 腿痛与昏睡 ACHING LEGS AND DOZING OFF
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