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多年豆腐帐可追 Recalling the Tofu Debts of Many Years Past
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Recalling the Tofu Debts of Many Years Past


In the past, there was an old cultivator who, after his enlightenment, wanted to find out who he really was in the past. What kind of person was he in the past? I bet none of you know. He was a tofu seller. In the past, he came to a Chan hall while selling tofu and happily sat in meditation like the others in the hall. While sitting, he was able to recall all his tofu debts.


He composed a verse, which goes like this:

No wonder everyone in the Chan hall is looking for the “who?”

The debts of ten thousand eons have accumulated over the years.I sit for only half an hour,And my many years of tofu debts can be traced.

This verse, though not profound, is not too bad either. If this tofu seller were not enlightened, how could he come up with such a verse?

He said, “How wonderful it is to investigate Chan! As a tofu seller, I came to the Chan hall to sell tofu. While waiting for the monk to get money from the storeroom, I looked and thought, ‘What are these people doing here?’ They were all saying “Who? Who? Who?” Seeing this, the tofu seller sat down and start to look for that “Who – Who still owes me money for the tofu I sold them? Five or six years ago, Wang Ma Zi purchased ten pieces of tofu and has not paid for it. Four or five years ago, Mr. Li purchased five pieces of tofu and also has not paid for it. Investigating Chan is really good. If I did not sit here and search for that ‘who,’ how could I have possibly recalled all these tofu debts? This is truly inconceivable.”


Therefore the verse says: No wonder everyone in the Chan hall is looking for the “who?” No wonder everyone there is searching for the “who?” I have come to know this wonderful practice. The debts of ten thousand eons have accumulated over the years. Ten thousand eons have since passed, and one cannot recall who still owes money. Now they sit in the Chan hall to “Namo” themselves (to ask themselves): “Who is it? Who still owes me money? Who owes me?” They were all looking for their creditors. “And I now sit for only half an hour, and I manage to recall my many years’ of tofu debts.” The tofu seller did not just stop there after saying the verse, he investigated Chan everyday thereafter and recalled all his tofu debts. He also investigated, “Who owes me tofu debts from the last life and the life before that.” He planted vajra seeds. As a result of those vajra seeds, he came to the Chan hall, not to trace his tofu debts, but to investigate Chan. This time the conditions had ripened and he managed to awaken: “Oh! My original self is like this.”


So what about your original self? If you open the five eyes, you can take a look. Who is my mother? Who is my father? Who are my close relatives? How come I have ended up here—sitting and walking, walking or sitting. “Oh! This was my father in the past, that was my mother in the past, that was my elder brother in the past and that was my younger brother in the past.” You can understand all of the debts of these causes and effects from past lives. If you want to know the causes and effects and relationships you’ve had in life after life from beginningless eons in the past to the present, you should work hard at your cultivation. Once you become awakened, you will know, “Oh! In the past I made vows to assist my Teacher to propagate Buddhism in the United States.”


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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