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入世第一课 The First Lesson Of Entering The Secular World
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Author: Charles Yeung

Translated by Soula Lo

When young people step into society and start their career, what do they need to pay attention to first? In my opinion, if an enterprise or a person desires success, the first threshold is to have goals and responsibility. This is called “The first lesson of entering the secular world”.


When we were children and studied at school, we thought in order to have good achievement, the most important thing was to make a resolution, which means we needed to have ambition and ideals. Nowadays, if businessmen in enterprises desire success, they cannot get to their destination without a goal. The success of a career depends on setting long-term goals, dividing them into different phases, then pursuing and executing those goals step by step. Or we can start with small goals; after we achieve the small goal, then look for the next goal, and achieve each one by one. Thus move on to higher or bigger goals, and accumulate them from a few to many, as if collecting rocks to build a tower. If we want to achieve our goals, the most important thing is to have a plan of action. We have an ancient famous saying which said “A thousand mile walk starts from beneath the feet.” Secondarily, we should not set too many goals, and should not set goals too high either. Too many goals would cause confusion; we may not know which direction we should put our efforts toward. If the goals are too high, we would not be able to achieve them, which would strike down our confidence. Therefore, this idiom: “Follow the facts, and stand on solid ground” is the key to success.


Another important element toward success is responsibility. It is the source of power, which can motivate people to work hard, work diligently, and do our very best. If we have responsibility, we would voluntarily look for more work to do, and work as hard we can. Responsibility includes: individual responsibility, family responsibility, clan responsibility, enterprise responsibility, social responsibility and responsibility to our nations.


First, people need to carry their own responsibility and family responsibility. If people have no responsibility, they would lose enthusiasm. Without enthusiasm, they would give up or run away easily. These kinds of people are despised by others the most, and they have no future at all. Therefore, management science studies chose “giving up” as the worse failure.


To carry responsibility, one needs to have the feeling of being responsible; this is called “the sense of responsibility”. If one has the sense of responsibility, he or she would tell himself to take up his own responsibility, and stand up by himself, or we could say, one could carry his family’s responsibility. The next step is to carry the responsibility for the whole clan and the enterprise. Consciously setting up a concept of carrying responsibility. Because this concept is what one tells himself, and one is doing it voluntarily, it is called sincerity. If one wants to make a difference, to be a useful person, the Confucian school concludes from several cases, and summarizes as follows: to be successful, the first step needs to start from heart, start from oneself. This step is called sincerity, which is the most important step. But the theorists in society seem to forget this step, or intentionally neglect it, which results in most people not to value this enough.


After stepping through sincerity, the second threshold is “a straight mind”. What is a straight mind? It means not crooked, or we could say, not false, not faking, not being bad. What is not straight? Talking without action is not straight. Saying something today and forgetting it tomorrow, this is not straight. Saying one thing and doing another is not straight. Lying is not straight, stealing is not straight, speaking evil words is not straight, and speaking poisonous words to destroy others’ relationship is not straight. Then what is being straight? Standing on solid ground is straight, following the facts is straight, and speaking words with action is straight. Saying something today, following through tomorrow, and being persistent in the same action in the future is straight. Not stealing is straight, not speaking false language is straight, not speaking evil words is straight, and not speaking poisonous words to turn people against each other is straight.


The third threshold, which is also the third step in our life, is called cultivating one’s moral character. We just mentioned that sincerity is a concept; we might understand the meaning in our heart and our mind, but the power of a human being’s karma is very strong. In other words, the power of genes is strong. To overcome the power of karma, or to leap over the barriers of genes, is truly not an easy task. Therefore, there is an ancient’s teaching which said, “To know it is easy, but to do it is difficult.” Although it is easier known than done, it is not impossible, so our predecessors asked us to learn the spirit of “go forward bravely and do not rest until we complete the mission”. Human genes also have a good side, which called “People tend to walk to high spots; water tends to flow to low ground.” This is a natural phenomenon.


To cultivate one’s moral character means to correct one’s bad behaviors. First, we need to start with action and language in daily life, correct bad behaviors, and rephrase bad language. This is called modifying our mouth and body. Lastly we need to modify our mind. Thus, to cultivate one’s moral character is to modify ones’ body, mouth, and mind.


The fourth threshold called “to govern one’s family”, also means to unite all the family members, gather the members who share the same perspectives, and let the members who agree with this idea, “In Unity There Is Strength” walk together, and work towards the same goals.


This involves setting goals and carrying responsibility: expanding this concept from ourselves to our family members, and then on to clan members; thusly, uniting more people to produce benefits for more people.


The fifth threshold is called “governing the enterprise”, or managing the enterprise. If one desires to be the leader of an enterprise, and ensure the enterprise to grow up healthy, and develop continually, the basic lesson is to pass these four stages: sincerity, straight might, cultivate one’s moral character, and to govern one’s family. If we don’t practice diligently, or are not mature enough, we could easily go in the wrong direction. If we head in the wrong direction, then we will not reach the destination, or we might encounter obstructions in midway. Therefore, “to stand on solid ground and to follow the facts” is important, that is why an ancient once said, “one minute on stage requires ten years of practice”.


To live in this world is not easy. To be successful in one’s career is only the first half part; the other half is to be successful in life. To be successful in a career can only let us gain fame, wealth and status. To be successful in life will let us gain health, a happy family, joy, and a carefree life.

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