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如何理解空义?How to understand emptiness?
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如何理解空义?How to understand emptiness?




Venerable Master Kumarajiva had taught in the past that a practitioner of the Dharma who wishes to understand "emptiness" must first understand "impermanence." This is because impermanence the first entrance to the contemplation of emptiness. Since it is the first door, thus it is called “impermanence”. Once a person has reached the ultimate, it is called “emptiness”. Although their aims to explore the reality are the same, however due coarse and subtle objects of contemplation, therefore there is a difference between shallow and profound wisdom. How is this so? The so-called "impermanence" means that all worldly samskara dharmas (refer to any existing things that has been put together or created) in the moments of time do not dwell. This so-called "non-residing" just aims at the view that "all dharmas are able to maintain and dwell." Although it removes the attachment to the delusion that "a dharma can forever reside,” however, people are still not clear about the reality that "all dharmas are reside-less.” Therefore, this is only the superficial meaning of impermanence! It has not yet reach the ultimate meaning of reality., If a dharma is able to maintain and reside in the present moment of time, it should also be able to reside in the latter. If it presently resides and later also resides, then always there are no changes. Things without changes always, according to our observation in actual experience of things, this is not the case. Since a dharma which resides in time does not dwell, that is why we discover it disappears at a after time. Therefore, that which resides does not reside, this is the reality of impermanence! All sentient beings originally view a dharma that resides in the present moment has a real substantial essence, but now realizing that it is reside-less and thus it has no real substantial essence. A dharma having no real substantial essence; this is called atyanta-sunyata or “ ultimate emptiness”. Ultimate emptiness is the absolute subtle purpose of the teachings of impermanence; therefore, one can say the true meaning of impermanence is ultimate emptiness.

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