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楞严大定 The Great Shurangama Samadhi
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The Great Shurangama Samadhi


The Shurangama Samadhi is a solid samadhi that heavenly demons and unbelievers cannot destroy.

It gives rise to limitless wisdom.


Why does the Shurangama Mantra have so many advantages? Because by reciting it, one can enter the Shurangama Samadhi. The Great Shurangama Samadhi is neither samadhi nor non-samadhi; thus there is no time when one is not in samadhi. As it is said,



The naga is constantly in samadhi;

There is no time when he is not in samadhi.


The Shurangama Samadhi is a solid samadhi that heavenly demons and externalists cannot destroy, and it gives rise to limitless wisdom. Why does one want to enter samadhi? Entering samadhi is like visiting Disneyland; there are both delightful and scary events, and you see and hear things you never saw or heard before. In samadhi, one is

Thus, thus, unmoving;

Clear and constantly bright.

One is not influenced by mental states; instead, one can influence all states. These are the advantages of entering the Shurangama Samadhi. Without the Shurangama Samadhi, one will be influenced by mental states. One will follow whatever comes up and be pulled away by it. That won't happen if one is in the Shurangama Samadhi.



The eyes see forms, but inside there is nothing.

The ears hear sounds, but the mind does not know.



If one recognizes what one sees, one can transcend the world.

If one is confused by what one sees, one will sink and drown.


While in samadhi, one can gain boundless wisdom, for samadhi is said to produce wisdom. If you do not enter samadhi, you cannot activate your wisdom. By analogy, if you don't go to Disneyland, you won't know what's there. If you do go, you'll discover that there are pirates and ghost towns. A certain layperson has asked me several times to go to Disneyland and take a look, thinking I haven't seen what's in there. Actually, all those different forms of amusement aren't that special. It is not known how many things we have seen during all these limitless eons! But after seeing them, we have forgotten about them. If we could remember these things, we wouldn't need to go see them again.

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