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糊涂的人生有何意义? What Meaning Is There to a Muddled Life?
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What Meaning Is There to a Muddled Life?


If we do not wake up to our own birth and death, then, having been born muddled, we will also die muddled.

What meaning is there to this kind of life?


Time flies, and the year has gone by before we know it; the next year is approaching. In the same way, people progress from birth to old age and death without being aware of it. Birth, old age, sickness, and death come in quick sucession as we pass the years in muddled confusion. If we do not wake up to our own birth and death, then, having been born muddled, we will also die muddled. What meaning is there to this kind of life? Take a look! In every country and family, every person is taking this well-worn path of muddled birth and death; we lead our muddled lives in total ignorance.


How does ignorance come about? One unenlightened thought produces the three subtle attributes: the attribute of karma, the attribute of manifestation, and the attribute of turning. The three subtle attributes result in all the various differences in our lives. Each individual finds himself in various situations, and each has his own lot in life. Once we recognize what is going on, we should make a great resolve to reach enlightenment and seek wisdom and understanding. Since the Buddha has the greatest understanding and wisdom, he is called the Greatly Enlightened One. If we want to stop being muddled and attain understanding, we must first do our best to get rid of our bad habits and faults, for only then can our wisdom shine forth.


The lunar new year is coming, and I hope everyone will make a great resolve to seek enlightenment!





This day is already done, and our lives are that much less.

We're like fish in an ever-shrinking pond.

What joy is there in this?

Great assembly!

We should be diligent and vigorous, as if our own lives were at stake.

Only be mindful of impermanence, and be careful not to be lax.



A talk given on February 10, 1983

at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

{返回 宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks 文集}

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