幸运 Lucky
Nothing comes accidentally or randomly, according to Buddhism. So luck can be created, but one has to be very careful. As much as luck can be created, it is not that you have the power to create luck. Luck dependents on conditions. Do conditions create luck depending on our will? It depends.
Luck is very individualized. What is considered to be lucky for someone is not lucky for others. The same event can be viewed as lucky or unlucky for the same person. For example, when you miss the bus in the morning, it can be considered unlucky. But it could also be considered as lucky because the bus may bring us to a fatal situation. You never know.
Buddhist's Approach to Luck 佛教徒的所谓幸运
Among six rounds, human are like nothing compared some of the other rounds such as god round if measured by materials. Yet, born to be a human being is the luckiest, because human beings have the capacity to understand the truth if they wish. That is why human round is the best among the six rounds. Anything takes you to the truth, by Buddhism, is considered lucky.
六道当中,假如看财富受用的话,人和天人道相比,简直是一无所有。然而六道之中,最幸运的却是人道。为什么呢? 因为假如愿意,人有理解真理的能力。依据佛法,任何能让我们到达真理的东西,都是幸运。
If we will live forever, we are unlucky because we will never be interested in knowing the truth. The sights of death and sickness are the reminders for those who are opt for spiritual growth. They ring the bell of truth. And they are priceless.
Treat your family/friends as if it is the last day of your life. Doing this enables you appreciate everything in your life. And this, will affect the lives of other people.
Develop a spiritual luck is very important.
When you are looking for luck, the door to un-luck opens. Luck is when you are content with whatever you have.
Luck is affected by cause and conditions. Each and every cause and conditions can have a slight different chemistry that eventually affects the outcome. We have blind expectations and assumptions most of the time when we human being do things (education, parenting). The truth is there are some cause and conditions that we are not aware of.
The moment you think, you get entangled unless you are mindful. The thought, how mundane it is, creates reference. The reference almost always brings judgment. Judgment brings hope and fear. Hope and fear are grandparents of all emotions. Emotions created action, and action leads to results. That is the story of the life of karma。
If luck is random, independent, then it is not merit. Merit without the wisdom or luck without merit is like a deaf good singer/musician, or a boatman without the oar. It can make you really stuck.
Wisdom is important in generating and accumulating merit. Merit or luck is so individualized. Even though it is individualized, it is possible that many individual have the same luck. For example, some people have the luck of having good leadership or good weather.
Wisdom of Non-duality 无分别的智慧
The root of all suffering is dualistic thoughts and grasping.
Many of us may partially agree that dualism is bad. But deep down, we don't see the downfall of the dualism as we should. Deep down, we cherish and cling to some of the dualism so much. For the non-duality, we only know it at the intellectual level.
Let's take an example. In her dream, a girl met a boy she loves. They were so happy together. But in the same dream, the girl lost the boy. The happiness and the sadness are so real. But when she wakes up, she knows that it is only a dream. Our joy and sadness that is so real to us are like what happened in the girl's dream. When waking up, they have never happened.
If you could only understand a glimpse of non-duality (by the way, it is not as difficulty as making noodles), it fixes all the problems. It is the medicine for all the out/inner sickness. It is the generator of all the inner/outer happiness.
Interdependence 相互依存
Everything is dependent. It is important to know this at many levels. At the basic level, you have no control on everything.
In general, if a game is forced on you, you can choose to either 1) not play the game or 2) join the game. In this game of interdependent, you have no choice but to join. The rule of the game: 1) know that everything is interdependent; 2) know that everything is interdependent.
Luck Miracle Blessing 幸运,奇迹
We tend to have misconception of these concepts. There are two kinds of downfalls in traditional Buddhism: 1) overestimate/overly expect, assuming, the result of which is becoming very self-centered, egocentric, and stubborn, etc. We are overly proud, and get carried away by expectation; 2) underestimation, fear to expect/assume/trust. The result of this is being completely negative, hopeless, not even trusting one's own ability and losing self-esteem.
Blindly hope and fear summarizes the above two downfalls. They are so stubborn that even the seasoned practitioners of Buddhism may be attacked by them. We either think everything is under our control or think that we cannot control anything.
We are so under the control of different conditions, which are human byproducts produced by different cultures. Lucky number such as 8 in Chinese culture could be an example. A skepticlist would easily laugh about it, thinking it is a superstition. But maybe it is too simple to say so. It may affect people psychologically. Very importantly, we need to know that luck can be created, but just because you can create it does not mean you have the power to control it. You can maneuver it, change it to a certain direction, but you are lack of the total control because you don't know the roots.
The Roots 根源
Can we do it from the roots then? The whole point of Buddhism is to do just that-to really uproot the cause and conditions.
What should the Buddhist do?-Try to avoid all kind of negative thoughts and action. Temporarily and relatively, try to accumulate the good thoughts and actions. Ultimately, go beyond both the good and bad actions and thoughts.
Buddha does not look for luck as much as we do not look for un-luck.
Renunciation Mind 出离心
What is renunciation mind? How does it fit in luck? 出离心是什么呢?它和幸运又有什么关系?
Suppose there is a plumbing problem in your bathroom, and you use the scotch tape to try to fix the problem. It may appear that the problem is solved, but it is only temporarily. Our life is like this. This life cannot be fixed. Scotch tape may solve the problem temporarily, but it cannot take the problem away.
All of us are going to get old and die eventually. No one can fix it. Money, medicine, vitamin, etc. can temporarily fix it, like the scotch tape, but it cannot change anything. Knowing this helps to change your attitude toward self and others. Jumping off the roof does not solve the problem either-it is not the end, the only thing happens is death. "Do whatever you want to do, make sure not to reborn". Something worse than death is birth.
So what kind of luck should you have? Getting a scotch tape or getting rid of the problem from the roots? Most of the times, we love scotch tapes. They look so beautiful and make promises, especially when they are on sale.
A practitioner of the Buddhism (?) once said to Buddha, Family/friends in this life are like people checking in at the same hotel, staying together for a while, and not seeing each other for many lives. And this is so sad. The Buddha said this is a wealth, a noble wealth. Sadness towards the existence is an amazing wealth. It generates the renunciation.
On the Path 道路
Renunciation is individual, it is not uniform. It is a very individual path. "Not disturb others, not cheat/deceive yourself"-Vinaya monk's saying.
Again, What is Luck? 那么,到底什么是幸运?
There are two types of luck, namely, spiritual luck and material luck. It is what you value that determines what luck is. We have learned to measure a lot of things by it material value. Most of the education is taught by our culture and tradition, most importantly, by our habit, which stems from insecurity.
Even though some of us intellectually understand the weakness of our value, but the habit is so strong that we cannot overcome/change it. The world in general, and the material world in specific, has different ways of valuing things. The way we value good/bad, rich/poor is all measured by money which is designed in the system. The system is design in such a way that we work so hard to earn the money, and there are all sorts of mechanism that induces us to spend the money we earn. If you are brave enough, you can still get out of this cycle of materialized world.
There is one thread that connects the mind and the body. There are several threads that connect the body and the different needs of the body such as shelters, food, table and phone. There are more threads connect to these needs and a lot of other things. And it goes on and on. Among many of these, they are thorns that you do not want. After walking in the bush, there are thorns attached to our sock. And we have to spend a lot of time taking away the thorns from our socks. Similarly, in life, a big trunk of our time spends on taking away the thorns from our socks. Some of them are so hard to take off and we spend money on getting tweezers to get rid of them. Most of them do not work. Even if they work, they are the baggage we have to carry.
Luck, comes down to what it is that we value. As a Buddhist, we value spiritual luck.
Spiritual Luck and Material Luck, Are They Contradictory?
Some of the people have material luck. They are worried about embarking on a spiritual journey because they do not want to give up the material luck. Some thinks they will do it later in their life when they are satisfied with the material realization without realizing that the later part of their life may not come.
If a spiritual journey tries to compromise, it is not a spiritual journey. So for those of us who are living in the worldly life, are we deprived of spiritual luck? Not necessarily. Although spiritual luck and material luck are contradictory, but you have no choice at the moment but to pursue the spiritual journey while having material luck. That is the only way.
We do prayers that involves seeming worldly (live long, healthy, and wealthy). We aspire to live long so that this longevity is the condition to pursue/strengthen the spiritual journey. We use our motivation to turn our material journey into something spiritual.
The contradictory of spiritual and material is demonstrated as follows. The aspiration of spiritual can actually be achieved. The aspiration of material (rich, longevity, etc.) will never be achieved. People who are pursuing materialism will never be satisfied, and think, say, now I am the richest.
Giving 布施
When we give, we think that by doing that, we will get more in our next life or later. That is one way of understanding it. However, there is another way of understanding it. The definition of richness is thinking that you possess something. The definition of poverty is such that you want and need, and that you don't have something. Performing the act of giving, you are already experiencing having something that you are giving. So you already you are rich. The generosity already makes you and others happy.
How to Accumulate Luck 如何积累幸运
Are you destined to have such luck? How to get rid of the obstacles of this luck and how to make the luck indestructible? 我们注定有这样的幸运吗?如何去除幸运的违缘,和让幸运不减呢?
According to Buddhism, there is no such thing as unlucky person. The luck/merit is innate. It is there all the time. It needs to shine, to come out. Every being has the potential. No one has less than others, every one is the same.
The practice of Buddhism is not to get something that you don't have. It is to actualize, realize, and discover what you already have. The full realization/discovery of what you innately have is called enlightenment. This makes the Buddhist path different from other path. Everybody is by nature Buddha. What they need is to discover this. The enlightenment state is the ultimate luck/merit. The understanding and trust of this is the base of all the luck.
Luck and Confidence 幸运和自信
Luck and confidence helps each other. The more confident people are luckier. Similarly, luckier people are more confident.
Confidence is based on knowing the truth. Apart from the Buddha nature, for all the other references we have (being beautiful intelligent, powerful, etc.), we are not sure. Things change at every second. Confidence built on things such as a Rolex watch is not sustainable.
One thing that you can be confident about is your Buddha nature. No one can take it away or ruin it. Even at mundane level, we are lucky. We go through ups and downs, good, bad and miserable times. But if we do not forget our innate Buddha nature and we have the confidence on, this will bring us luck. Everything you wish for may fall apart, but if you develop an attitude of "so what? I still have the Buddha nature", then you are having luck.
It is not easy to develop and maintain this confidence. We are insecure. The insecurity is based on very ridiculous assumptions, based on looking at the illusion and thinking it is real. The moment you think illusions are real, you are bounded to be disappointed. We don't always encounter the conditions that tell us illusion is an illusion. Instead, we are bombarded with conditions that make us think illusions are real. Designer's shoes, to name one. This is not helping our confidence. It makes us more and more insecure, more and more dependent on these conditions--gold-plated teeth, gold teeth. Many of them are ridiculous.
The summary: We need confidence to create the luck. We have the habit of falling into the game of insecurity, such as the tallest building in the world. There is no such thing as inherited unlucky person. We are all lucky people and we should be confident. All our downfalls are purifiable.
Protecting the Merit/Luck from Obstacles 如何去除幸运和福德的障碍
How to Generate More Merit/Luck 如何增长幸运和福德
There are infinite numbers of skill to achieve this. One thing that we need to know is that in every situation, we would like to have less pain and more gain. A skill is considered a good one when it involves with less pain and more gain. And it applies here as well.
A skill accompanied with wisdom is always bliss, with less pain and more gain. Remember here the goal is to try to destroy the dualism and achieve non-dualism.
Most of the skills are rooted in dualism and it involves more pain. So the question is then why not jumping into the painless method right from the beginning?
Even though the skill accompanied by wisdom is powerful, it is very difficult to accept it with narrow mentality, because we are so used to certain narrow-minded calculation. We overly believe the philosophy of no pain, no gain. We think that in order to gain this much, we have to go through all kind of hardship.
The skill really defers to how much wisdom you have. Many seem to have the misconception below. In order to get this much, you have to put in this much. Anything that is beyond this is unbelievable, like a lottery.
The truth is, if you use the skill accompanied by wisdom, you will accumulate merit. Even if you are a person without wisdom, you can also accumulate merit if you encounter a person with wisdom and show your respect whole-heartedly.
In daily life, we don’t know who is a Buddha and who is not. The most unlikely person we think maybe the real Buddha. We should treat every being with respect, love, and compassion.
If you have the Bodhicitta, you are luckiest person. Bodhicitta is luck, it is absolutely important. It protects you from obstacles of luck. The minute you have Bodhicitta, you are already lucky. Let’s say you are an entrepreneur, you stop accumulating wealth when you are asleep. But with Bodhicitta, the merit will be generating whatever state you are in, even if you are asleep.
Contemplation 观察自心
Why are we unlucky? What makes us lose confidence? We don’t contemplate on ourselves enough. That is why we lose confidence. The wisdom of contemplation only is the greatest gift we got from Buddha. If we could even spend one minute contemplating every day!
We are all longing for everlasting happiness. To have that, you need to be mindful. We have lost our mind for a long time. Our mind is not even gone far. It is right next to us, and that is what we need to recognize.
In order to do that, the mind needs to be relaxed. In order for the mind to be relaxed, it needs to contemplate on itself. To contemplate on itself, the mind needs to be inside its body. And for that to happen, you have to be mindful about your body.
We don’t have enough contemplation about our mind-asking what it is doing. By asking how and why, you are only analyzing, not contemplating. When we contemplate on our mind, we discover all kind of thoughts coming in. Some time we feel guilty if it is a bad thought, it is not contemplation. If it is a good thought and we are happy, it is not contemplation. Contemplation is not self-legislation. It is purely watching. 我们对自心没有足够的观察-问它它在做什么。当我们在问如何做或者为什么做的时候,我们只是在分析,并不是在观察自心。当我们观察自心的时候,我们会发现里面念头繁杂。当这个念头是个不好的念头的时候,我们内疚,这不叫观察。当我们对好的念头沾沾自喜的时候,这也不叫观察。观察自心,不是让自己当自己的警察。它只是观察,不干预地观察。
Why do we do it? If you continue doing it, not judge, not entangle, it reduces and eventually destroy all traces of distraction. An undistracted person is a confident person. Confident person is a lucky person because nothing goes wrong. When everything goes right when you are not even recognizing it, it is called lucky.
If you dedicate this luck to every being, you have the Bodihicca. Bodihicca is what really the so called luck is!
Methods of Accumulating Merits/Luck 积累福德,幸运的方法
There are two angles: Mahayana and Vajrayana 有两种角度,大乘的角度和金刚乘的角度
There are so many approaches. Here we only talk about a few crucial, indispensable ones。有很多的方法可以积累福报和幸运,这里我们讲几个最重要的。
1.Taking vows 持戒
If we need luck, the first thing we need is to have a container for luck. The container here is what we call taking vows. Not necessarily every vow in Buddhism, but some form of vows is indispensable. The reason why it is a container is very complicated. The characteristic of the container is that it keeps/protects things that inside and that it holds things together. Vow has the element of holding things together.
In life in general, we don’t kill. We don’t kill because it takes huge effort, and it is costly. By not killing, we may not accumulate bad karma, but we are not accumulating good karma either. By taking vow that I shall not kill and you don’t kill, you are accumulating good karma, all the time.
But you have to be careful of not taking too many vows that you end up breaking. You should take the vows within your own capacity. No killing. No stealing is much more difficult than not killing-all these illegal downloading…No lying is very difficult. Many times you think you are telling the truth, but actually you are lying.
You can take some of the vows based on your own capacity. You can also take all the vows for only a certain period of time.
Vow acts as a container. 戒律是福报的容器。
2.Discipline 自律
Accompanying with the vows, you also need discipline. You mind will act like a spoiled child if you are not disciplined. When thing are good, you don’t appreciate it. When you are unlucky, you lose it, you lose your composure. When situation hits you, if you lose the composure, you will have more downfalls.
Discipline has to be something that you can uptake within your capacity. Do not overdo it.
So with right motivation (Bodihicca), you give birth (discover) the luck and merit. You take vows so that the merit will be kept in the vessel. You nurture, maintain and guard the merit from downfalls using discipline. With these, you can now apply all the common and uncommon methods to accumulate merits.
For all the dualistic virtuous activities, saving the lives is the most important one. Discipline oneself from engaging the activity of destructing the lives of others, such as being a vegetarian, or even joining the vegetarian activist group by sending out flyers. We should remember that all these should be accompanied by Bodihicca. Even if we forget about the Bodihicca, we should make sure that whatever we are doing is not for the purpose of boosting our ego, to attract any jealousy and competitive mind from others. When we do virtuous activity, we should not be exhibitive.
To Accumulate Merit through Uncommon Methods
1.Mahayana 大乘
With the support of taking refugee from Three Jewels, whatever virtue you are doing is geared toward the wisdom. If it is accompanied by Bodhicca, it is Mahayana.
Giving the food to a beggar with Bodhicca, knowing that the giver, the recipient and the act of giving are all illusionary, and dedicate the merit to the enlightenment of all the being is the perfect Mahayana. Going to the shop buying a Buddha statue with the aspiration that the body of the Buddha will be manifested in our room; having the script and reading them in front of the Buddha statue all have merits. Exposing one’s misdeed in front of the Buddha statue; offering lamp and flowers to the Buddha statue and dedicate all the merits to all the being. All of these are Mahayana way of accumulating merits. They are considered skillful methods.
On top of that one can also practice Mahayana’s six parameters such as contemplation and wisdom. Only through contemplation one can manage to tame the mind. Training the mind is most crucial.
Remembering the names of the Buddha and the places of the Buddha has so much merit. There are many reasons why remembering Buddha and his land is important. They each made different aspiration. Every one of them has slight different aspiration. For example, the one specific aspiration of Buddha Amitabha is that whoever heard his name and whoever are familiarize his land will be all connected to him to the enlightenment. His aspiration will tap into those who heard and familiarize his name/land to have the Bodihicca and enlightenment.
2.Vajayana 金刚乘
Everything aforementioned applies. It is the Dharma with wisdom. The practice of Vajayana is like a snaking traveling in a bamboo tube. There are only two directions. One would either go up or do down. It is the teaching of Buddha, the wisdom of Buddha. Some of them can be very incredible. Some may appear too hard for us to chew. Here we discuss something that is digestible.
First, we have to clear the debt. You won’t be lucky if you have many debts. This life alone, we have so many debts. If you have many debts, all you have don’t belong to you. We need to purify the debts. And there are many methods of doing that. It is important to practice these with firm attitude to take refugee from Three Jewels and firm determination of Bodihicca。
Take Refuge 皈依三宝
When we take refugee, we take refugee to the Dharma, to truth, to whom who taught the truth and realize the truth, and to the community that shares this truth, but not to a particular person. After taking refuge, we should not 1) take refuge from someone who does not believe in impermanent; 2) take refuge from ones who are not enlightened; and 3) be influenced by those who believe in extreme method. Buddhism is a middle way, but not an extreme way. We can be friends with those who believe in extreme methods, but we cannot be influenced by them spiritually.
Some words from the Question & Answer Session
On prayers: When you pray to Buddha, 100 things you wish will not come true. But 1000 things that you dare not wish for will come true.
On practice for busy people: For those who are busy with everyday life yet are trying to take the practice of Dharma: 1) contemplate every day even for a few minutes; 2) explore words of Buddha especially related to wisdom; 3) at least try to convince yourself that everything that we think is our own perception even though we still cannot understand the illusionary nature of the world. Never limit your Dharma practice by time and place.
On Buddha nature: If you have the ice cube, you don’t need to look for water. Give it time, it will melt. Your mind is the Buddha, and you just need to melt it. Most of the time, we are busy freezing it.
On abortion: Yes, there are purifying methods to purify the debt accumulated through your misdeed. However, purifying method is not being used as the license of killing. You cannot keep doing it using the license. The best way is to use Bodihicca to dedicate to all the being and release lives.
On different levels of luck: Luck is defined differently at the different level. At the highest level, there is no luck. As long as you need good luck, you are still dependent. The whole point of Buddhism practice is to reach a state that we don’t need luck.
On motivation: Motivation is a mental factor. By nature, it is dualistic mind. It is subjective objective. During the path, motivation can be categorized as virtuous, neural and non-virtuous. The way to tell whether a deed is virtuous or not is as follows. Anything you think will cause pain for yourself or others is a non-virtuous motivation. During the path, we try to develop good motivation. Bad motivation stirs your mind. Good motivation calms your mind, and it ignites the wisdom. All the paths are equal. No one is better than others. Virtuous thoughts are rare and good. But if you are not careful, non-virtuous thoughts will creep in and make use of the virtuous thoughts to turn it for the use of your own ego purpose.关于发心: 发心,归根结底,还是二元的,有分别念的。它有主观的客观性。在灵性道路上,发信可以分为善的,恶的,和不善不恶的发心。如何分辨发心的善恶呢?当一个发心会给自己或者别人带来伤害的时候,那么它是一个不善的发心。我们要尽力发善念。恶念搅乱内心。善念则平静内心,引发智慧。所有的修行之道都是一样的,没有一条比另一条更好。善念稀少而珍贵。但是如果你不小心,不善念会把善念变为增长我慢用。
On devotion and attachment-is devotion an attachment? It all comes back to motivation. It all boils down to your attitude toward your life. You should look at the worldly life as something not fixable. If you have a fatal disease, and you are going to the garden and concerts, the bell is ringing while you are enjoying your life. We always think this life is fixable. Let’s use the example of the three strawberries to illustrate this. Life is like trying to search three strawberries with one stacking on top of another and stay that way. It is so difficult. But the fact that the second one can sit on top of the first one temporarily gives us the false hope. The only thing that you are looking for is enlightenment. Nothing else matters. When you are looking for guru and fall this guru as father, brother, family, as long as you realize that the bell is ring, you will always take the guru as the guide of enlightenment. And this applies to all gurus.
You should count on being found, instead of searching when it comes to look for a guru.上师,他会来找你。
Wishes 最后仁波切的祈愿
From now till you are enlightened-
May you have the luck of eating when hungry, may you have the luck of being ignored by your friends;
May you have the luck of seeing more spring, may you have the luck of seeing more deaths;
May you have the luck of encounter and appreciate the words of Buddha.
So that when you die, you have no fear of losing what you never have owned.