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{返回 马哈希尊者访谈 An Interview with Mahasi Sayadaw 文集}

Q3: Venerable Sir, I believe you made very fast progress in your practice arousing one insight knowledge after another. Didn’t you?


No, I didn’t. I could not appreciate the practice three or four weeks after I had started because I did not yet exercise enough effort. Some of the yogis here, however, even though the practice is new to them, manage to develop enough concentration and mindfulness after a week or so, to see impermanence, suffering, and insubstantiality to some extent. For me, I could not make any remarkable progress in the practice even after a month or so, let alone four or five days. I was then still at zero progress in my practice. This is because my faith in the practice was not strong enough, and I did not make enough effort. At this point, skeptical doubt called Vicikiccha, usually hinders the insight knowledge and Magga- Phala from takingplace. So it is very important to do away with such doubt. But, I was wasting my time by mistaking the skeptical doubt for productive analysis.


I thought it was only a conventional or conceptual way of practice and not in the ultimate sense that one observes objects such as going, bending, stretching, etc. The Venerable Sayadawji taught me in that way as a basic training. Perhaps, later he would teach me how to distinguish between mind and body, etc. Later on, while continuing with this practice I spontaneously realized: “Wow! This is not just a basic training, but noting physical and mental behaviors, like going, bending, stretching, etc., are also intermediate advanced instructions, too. These are all I need to observe. Nothing else.”


{返回 马哈希尊者访谈 An Interview with Mahasi Sayadaw 文集}

 问14 :尊者,站的时候禅修者应当觉知什么?
 问17 :尊者,禅修者需要做什么才能清晰地观照现象?
全文 标题
 第一章 历别对诸禅六妙门[栏目:白话六妙门]
 三、直接体验之路 快乐的真言[栏目:大师在喜马拉雅山]
 相应8经 根经[栏目:相应部 43.无为相应]



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