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自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第三篇 障碍及解决之道 Part Three Obstacles and Solutions 紧张、晕眩、窒闷 Strain, Dizziness, Giddiness
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Part Three

Obstacles and Solutions

第三篇 障碍及解决之道

There are some obstacles in this method. I will recommend you how to solve these obstacles that may occur to the practitioner.


Strain, Dizziness, Giddiness, Suffocation


When we first begin our practice, we tend to concentrate. We want to know, see, be and have. This is not the right understanding. If you know, see, be and have, your might get strain, dizziness, giddiness or suffocation. This is not the correct practice.

When thoughts arise so much, we do not like it and try to suppress them. This brings us trouble.

The correct method is practicing with ease. Look far away and cultivate self-awareness lightly and gently. Do not concentrate. Move or walk comfortably and rhythmically with awareness.


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上一篇:自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第三篇 障碍及解决之道 Part Three Obstacles and Solutions 昏沉 Drowsiness
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