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24.苦行修禅习定 Practicing austerities and cultivating Dhyana samadhi
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Practicing austerities and cultivating Dhyana samadhi

During his twenty-seventh year, the Master resolved to practice austerities and vowed to end birth and death. He thought of how in the past Dharma Master Hsuan Tsang, before going to India, first forged his own discipline with practices such as fasting and walking long distances. The Master had a propensity for that sort of vigor. Although he had fulfilled the requirements of his office, he had not yet completed his karma in the way. Having made up his mind to complete it, the Master resigned from office. He returned to the cave to sit in dhyana, and subsisted on pine nuts and spring water.

The verse says:
The eminent monk's practices and vows alarm the ghosts and spirits.
The sincerity of one true thought breaks apart even stone and metal.
Resigning from office he withdrew to a cave to practice still contemplation.
In precepts and samadhi he steeped himself, while the sun of his wisdom grew bright.

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上一篇:25.深山居处寂静 Dwelling in the deep mountain stillness
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