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32.潮音洞见金龙 Seeing a golden dragon at Chao Yang Cave
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Seeing a golden dragon at Ch'ao Yang Cave

Moreover, at that time, a golden-scaled dragon rose out of the tremendous breakers which swell from the sea in front of Ch'ao Yang Cave. Although its entire body, four legs and fish-like tail were all visible, its head was not. After a while, it submerged. Perhaps this dragon appeared, sensing that a highly virtuous, eminent Sangha member had arrived, and came out to welcome him. It was an immortal guardian spirit who showed its respect by extending its protection.

The verse says:
Out in front of Ch'ao Yang Cave, he saw a golden dragon,
Its entire body of golden hue, its four legs in evidence.
Why indeed, I ask you, came this apparition?
Just because a sage now dwells on this shore.

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