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36.朝礼西天目山 Making obeisance at Hsi Tien mountain
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Making obeisance at Hsi T'ien  mountain

Hsi T'ien Mu is a famous mountain in Chekiang Province. The Buddhadharma flourished and many great masters came from here, such as the Yuan Dynasty Dharma Master Yuan Miao (Wonderful Source) of Kao Feng (Lofty Peak) who first settled on the mountain, and National Master Chung Feng (Middle Peak) who succeeded him. It was here that National Master Yu Lin (Jade Grove) of the Ch'ing Dynasty extensively propagated and spread the reputation of his school. It is also the site of the renowned cliff "Inverted Lotus". where Dhyana Master Miao of Kao Feng overcame a sleep demon - where he fell and was saved.

The verse says:
Master Kao Feng one day in the past wished to soar to the heavens,
And vowed to his death that he would not be tied by the demon of sleep.
So rousing his vital energies, he practiced a grand samadhi,
And the Dharma Protector Wei T'ou's protection of him transcends 10,000,000 kalpas.

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