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37.常州天宁寺参学 Taking part in a study at Tien Ning Monastery in Chang Chou
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Taking part in a study at T'ien Ning Monastery in Ch'ang Chou

The T'ien Ning Monastery in Ch'ang Chou County of Chiangsu Province is a large Buddhist Way Place known throughout China. The monastic property and wealth were plentiful and its blessings abundant. Both the Ch'an and teaching schools were practiced there, and it was foremost in recitation. The Venerable Master Ch'ing Kuang (Pure Light) was the Abbot at this time. Students who were a thousand miles away did not consider it far to come to draw near to him. In his 39th year, the Master arrived at the monastery to undertake the regulations of Ch'an meditation and passed the inter there.

The verse says:
The ancient T'ien Ning Monastery was said to possess the Way.
Its setting was magical and people heroic, and elephants and tigers were hidden there.
Thus the students from all ten directions gathered together
To sit in Ch'an and study the teachings expressed in pristine voice.

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上一篇:38.镇江焦山大水 Meeting the Venerable Master Ta Shui of Chiao Shan Mountain on the Chen River
下一篇:36.朝礼西天目山 Making obeisance at Hsi Tien mountain
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 78.复回香山度岁 Returning to Hsiang Shan ..
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